Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Abner Tells Cedric The Story Of Snorter The Pig. 430831 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

The quarantine ended yesterday by an over throw, and one that found nurse Silvia Lunceford walking out on her job. Today, the gents discuss how the mix up, and faked illness had blown out of proportion. Cedric on the other hand, enjoyed the attentions from the gruff old nurse. Turning attentions back to keeping an eye on Mary, and her probation, we learn that Lizabeth had been watching out for her. Also, Mary’s secret is spilled to Cedric. Will he catch on to the fact that there’s more to her presence in town than being Lum’s niece? Missing the attentions of nurse Lunceford, Cedric gets Abner to read him a story. Little Snorter was a pig. In telling the story, Cedric interrupts, needing clarifications on confusing topics like a pig with a straight tail. Will Pinky ‘Winky make an appearance soon? Oh wait, that’s a different story. Snorter wants to be handsome, and have golden wings. Will the pig ever fly? Well I do know… if that don’t beat the bugs a fighting. Lum puts an end to story time, but Abner has become interested in how it ends

 Bob Hope (Clip): Judy Garland Sings, Goody Goodbye, With Bob Hope. 1939 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:16

First, some joking about the California weather. Bob tries to give advice for dating and marriage to the teen age Judy. She ends up giving him advice on how to act around girls. Judy sings, Goody Goodbye.

 X Minus One – The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway. ep97, 570417 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:36

Morniel is an artist, with more talent than anybody might expect could be rolled up into one man. He’s just chomping at the bit to be discovered, and have dealers knocking at his door. However, art critics who see the modern, impressionistic art are less than impressed. Then it happens, the day that Morniel is discovered. A strange purple light brings a stranger to his room. The futuristic art scholar assures Morniel of his immense fame to come. As glorious as his future may be, apparently all his early work, meaning his work to date, is rubbish. Isn’t there any hint of the genius that is to come? Time runs short for our futuristic art lover. What will he think if he learns that the mature work of Morniel’s is actually copied from someone else? A problem means that the scholar from the future and Morniel switch places. The visitor from the future now agonizes over how to make a living, and that he fears his art is only a derivative. A knock off of the great Morniel. It is… isn’t it?

 Vic and Sade – Robert and Slobert Are Scoundrels. 440724 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:03

Sade has returned from a day on her feet, and tells Russel about it. She is just worn to a frazzle. Russel tips her off about a meeting between Vic and Hunky J Sponger. When Vic enters, he’s not in his usual high spirits. What’s the trouble? What’s the big job that Vic has to concentrate on and tackle? Robert and Slobert Hink are at it again. They’re up to their old tricks to undermine Vic’s control over the marching team. Keeping him out of the way by having Russel running errands, Sade hears the details of the hostile overthrow. Dozens of letters have been written, suggestions to make an impression, even bribes. Through the episode Russel runs errands for needless things, finally ending in getting Vic’s hat so he can take a long walk to cool his temper. It seems to be an episode where everyone is on their feet for one reason or another.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The Fruitless Fig Tree. ep19, 470601 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

Does being strong make a person right? What if a stronger man comes along to lay down the rules? Peter claims the better way us in following he master, and recounts the parable of a fig tree. A gardener is given the task of caring for the trees of a strict man. Moving into their first cottage together, the young gardener and his bride set up their home. Nothing will take them from their home… right? A fruitless tree is identified, but the gardener asks to give the tree another year with proper care Nathan finds his job at stake if the tree doesn’t bare fruit. How can he break it to his wife about his prideful act? Ruth supports him in doing what’s right, and not basing a decision on what she, or others think. Nathan works hard, with his frail wife along side. They bravely face the unknown, of whether the tree could actually be barren. Should they pin to find another job, and move elsewhere soon? The strict owner finds it amusing that such dedication to a tree is given. Where’s the fruit? So far there’s only leaves. Harvest time has arrived, and samples of the finest produce are brought to the owner. When its Nathan’s turn, he presents a tray of fine figs, but what about his special tree? Nathan tells how it wasn’t the fault of the tree, but the condition in which it was raised. All it needed was a chance. Peter tries to explain that the unruly boy doesn’t necessarily need punishment, but a loving environment. Be quick to help, but slow to condemn without understanding.

 Sunday Down South – Reverent Music Selections. 450415 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Louie Buck. Harold Johnson’s String Orchestra, and Chorale. Guest vocals: Emma Pitts. Just one week after Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945. Sunday Down South turns the full 30 minutes over to instrumental, reverent, and inspirational music without commercial breaks. Playlist: * Harold Johnson’s String Orchestra and Chorale, Various Reverent Mood music, with scripture reading.

 Lum and Abner – Nurse Lunsford Is In Charge. 430830 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

When the whole gang who were in the lunchroom got exposed to Cedric, nurse Lunceford insists they all be quarantined together. Squire Skimp is outraged, US Quincey has a barn to paint, and the others have jobs. Nurse Lunceford isn’t bending, and insists the group make the best of their time. Line up, get ready for calisthenics. The creaky old gents have trouble keeping in step, and breath control. Not to mention the crusty old nurse isn’t having any of their cutting up amongst themselves. A guessing game is played to keep the groups minds occupied and entertained. Grandpap shares trivial wisdom from the almanac, US Quincey still complains about his barn, but will Cedric guess within 20 questions that the jolly toothbrush is the object? Will the grumpy nurse get a little payback?

 Sherlock Holmes – Missing Leonard Da Vinci. ep84, 430806 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:06

Schemes involving missing artwork seem to be the doings of Moriarty. With the help of Watson, Holmes works out the clues as he knows them. Hitting the streets to investigate, Holmes and Watson hash out the evidence, and arrive at making an accusation. The complexity of Moriarty’s evil plan are shared, as is how the plan unfolded.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Hail and Farewell Caper. ep245, 510427 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

Sam seems to have picked up a stalker, a timid man who struggles to get up the courage to talk to our hard boiled detective. What’s the life and death situation that has the man so terrified? With only a meager clue from the shabby, and under nourished actor, Sam sets out to get to the bottom of a murder. A trip to San quentin finds Sam interviewing an inmate, Willie Johnson. Is it such a queer thing that the prisoner claims to be innocent? Following up on the set up, Sam is soon on the trail to stop the murder of Willie, if he can. Clues keep coming, but can Sam beat the ticking clock? Finding the clue that made Willie become the fall guy, Sam tries to mobilize the cops to act. Will the legal system spring into action to save an innocent man? Will Sam’s clue be hard enough evidence to stay the execution? The race intensifies to save Willie, and bring the real bad guys to justice.

 Spike Jones – Vera Veg. 450708 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

Sponsor: Chase and Sanbourne. Announcer: Ken carpenter. Host: Francis Langford and Spike Jones. Playlist: * Francis Langford, I Should Care. * Francis, Spike, and Ken talk about girls and recovering soldiers in the military hospital. * Spike Jones, By Gosh By Gum. * Francis Langford, Stardust (a Hoagie Carmichael tune.) * Comedienne, Vera Veg, and former co-star with Francis on the Bob Hope show, chats with Francis about her soldier boyfriend. Vera is soon chasing after Ken and Spike. * Spike Jones, Lieber Song, with special vocals. * Medley from Oklahoma includes: Spike Jones, Surrey with the Fringe on top. Francis Langford, O What a Beautiful Morning. and People Will Say We’re in Love.

 Show # 792: Forgotten Summer Somgs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The first of 8 shows in our Endless Summer series.This one will focus on those summer themed songs that didn't make the charts (Most summer songs didn't by the way.)

 Lum and Abner – Mary’s Romantic Problems. 430812 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

Abner takes phone orders, and asks Mary to watch the store while he gets ready to make deliveries. Mary seems on edge today. Does it have to do with the suspicions of Squire Skimp? She assures Abner it’s not that. She asks about the proper age a woman should have when she’s married. Older than her husband, or younger? Taking the attention off her problem, she has Abner show her the ropes in running the store, and answering the phone. Abner shows her how to keep track of the bills in the books. Mary is bright enough to question Abner’s methods of crossing items off if they don’t mesh with his math. When Squire enters, Mary is afraid his questions will turn her out, but he seems to only be interested about her insurance coverage. Still, the insurance forms ask some pretty personal questions. He leaves, but phone calls had kept coming for Mary. Is it from a special suitor in town? Should a 12 year old be concerned about an 11 year old boyfriend? Abner wonders if Mary has been reading those romantic magazines again.

 Dimension X – Mars Is Heaven. ep14, 500707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

Man first lands on Mars, with all it’s secrets to be revealed. That day has come as a rocket landing craft lands in the dark. April 20, 1987. Wow, so that’s when it was. Funny, I don’t remember that happening. Although I think I was out of the country at that time. The captain of the Naval vessel prepares his crew for what to expect, and rules to follow once they open the airlocks and take their first steps on the Red planet. The astronauts nervously smoke cigarettes, and talk about their hometowns. now that’s intelligent, smoking in the high oxygen environment in their space craft. The landing party exits. What will the trigger happy crew find? A regular old fashioned house, complete with crowing roosters, pianos, porch swings, and everything a hometown back on Earth would have. What logical reason could be behind this? Has the rocket ship went backward in time, and landed on the Earth of 1928? One of the crew finds his grandparents, and they claim that they’ve been there since they died several years before. Is Mars heaven? Back at the ship the captain thinks they’re being overrun, but it’s a swarm of long dead relatives there to greet the crew, and welcome them. Reunions and celebrations are the word of the day. Everybody but the ship doctor seems to have found family members on Mars. It’s time to call it a night, but should the crew return to their ship, or just stay with the new found relatives. In the wee hours of the night, the ship doctor and captain talk about the happenings. The doc hits on a theory of what’s going on, but will anybody believe him? Is there some kind of mind control trick going on? What will be the fate of the heros in the cfrew when the Martians show their true faces? Compare: X Minus One – Mars Is Heaven. ep3, 550508.

 Lone Ranger – Revenge. 470707. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

Hank is thought to have shot his own pa, but he claims it was an accident. His brother doesn’t see it that way though and a rift is torn between them. Years pass, the brothers go their separate ways, and raise their families. Lone Ranger comes on the scene, and talks with a crusty old gent about the family. Suddenly the masked Man is off to take care of business. What could it be about? Hank’s son is in financial trouble, and needs help. That rift between brothers is about to come crashing back down on itself when it turns out to be to the long lost brother who the debt is owed. Things stand to blow up, but with the Lone Ranger on hand there just may be some hope to resolve the longtime sore spot between brothers.

 Vic and Sade – A Letter from Yellow Jump. 440707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:38

Sade has her phone call cut short when uncle Fletcher visits. She has important arrangements for a social event, but Fletcher is determined to lay on a guilt trip until she’ll take time to listen to his problems. What is the world shattering news of importance that Fletcher can’t wait to share? Will Sade actually take a stand, and try to brush Fletcher aside to get her work done? He’s considering taking residence at the Bright Kentucky Hotel, a sleasy hang out for the town’s confirmed bachelors, and a place that Sade finds highly disreputable. As adamant as Sade is against it, Fletcher doesn’t see any other place to stay once his land lady gets married, and moves to Yellow Jump, Wisconsen. Well, with the news told, all that’s left is for Fletcher to leave, and let Sade go about her way. If it were only that easy.


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