Lum and Abner – Mary’s Romantic Problems. 430812

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner takes phone orders, and asks Mary to watch the store while he gets ready to make deliveries. Mary seems on edge today. Does it have to do with the suspicions of Squire Skimp? She assures Abner it’s not that. She asks about the proper age a woman should have when she’s married. Older than her husband, or younger? <br> Taking the attention off her problem, she has Abner show her the ropes in running the store, and answering the phone. Abner shows her how to keep track of the bills in the books. Mary is bright enough to question Abner’s methods of crossing items off if they don’t mesh with his math. <br> When Squire enters, Mary is afraid his questions will turn her out, but he seems to only be interested about her insurance coverage. Still, the insurance forms ask some pretty personal questions. He leaves, but phone calls had kept coming for Mary. Is it from a special suitor in town? Should a 12 year old be concerned about an 11 year old boyfriend? Abner wonders if Mary has been reading those romantic magazines again. <br> <br>