Vic and Sade – A Letter from Yellow Jump. 440707

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sade has her phone call cut short when uncle Fletcher visits. She has important arrangements for a social event, but Fletcher is determined to lay on a guilt trip until she’ll take time to listen to his problems. What is the world shattering news of importance that Fletcher can’t wait to share? Will Sade actually take a stand, and try to brush Fletcher aside to get her work done? <br> He’s considering taking residence at the Bright Kentucky Hotel, a sleasy hang out for the town’s confirmed bachelors, and a place that Sade finds highly disreputable. As adamant as Sade is against it, Fletcher doesn’t see any other place to stay once his land lady gets married, and moves to Yellow Jump, Wisconsen. Well, with the news told, all that’s left is for Fletcher to leave, and let Sade go about her way. If it were only that easy. <br>