Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Sunday Down South – – Sunny Side of the Street. 540822 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

Starring Buddy Hall. The topic: the weather, and vacations. Singers include: Delores, and the Anita Kerr singers, Playlist: * Sunny Side of the Street. * A Foggy Day. * Singing in the Rain. * Deep Purple. * I Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. * I’m Always Chasing Rainbows. * Sitting on a Rainbow. * Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

 Lum and Abner – A Scientific Discussion. 430809 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

With Lum out of town to try and get custody of Ellie from the state home, she and Abner take care of the store. Though it’s Summer, Abner coaches her on school lessons. What do the lessons mean? Abner can’t say it any better than what the words on the page do, so he keeps on reading. Why does it take longer to cook in Cripple Creek than it does in Boston? Maybe they like their food better done in one place than the other. Mary tries to explain about atmospheric pressure, but Abner is saved by the telephone bell. Grandpap has called to accuse Abner of cheating at checkers. Mary has long caught on to the reasons eggs boil faster in low climates, but Abner insists on trying to make sense of it from the book. Phone calls keep interrupting Abner’s studies. Will the checker arguments ever end? Will Mary be able to go out and play?

 Dimension X – A Logic Named Joe. ep13, 500701 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

Joe is a 1974 model logic, and this is the story of how Frank Caldwell saved civilization as we know it. Frank is a salesman who deals in logics. It’s a machine like an old fashioned TV. Just ask it a question, press a few buttons, and after a few calculations it spits out the answer. Sounds like a computer to me. blockquote>Hey Siri… What’s a logic? A systematic form of arguments. Hmm… I guess it means something different in the far flung year of 1974.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Tries To Get Custody. 430805 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Though Mary is quite safe in the current living conditions in Pine Ridge, Lum is sure things can’t stay they are for long. We join him and Abner making plans to contact the state home to come clean on what they did to hide hthe run away girl, clear her name, and become her guardian. While he’s gone, Abner asks if Lum will send him a post card from Hot Springs. Mary enters with news of playing with her new friends. Will she believe Lum’s reason for having to leave town? Mary may believe the fishing story, until she tidies up Lum’s messy looking satchel. Why does he need such high class clothes? To catch high class fish? Even though Mary has never been fishing, she at least knows that Lum needs poles, bait, and tackle. The excuses grow, as Abner makes up stories on how a person can catch fish without the usual fishing tackle. She doesn’t really believe the crazy story… does she?

 Adventures of Sam Spade – The Rowdy Dowser Caper. ep244, 510420 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8"; Matters of journalism, and the National Geographic seem to have Effie Perine in tears today. Will Sam’s report on the latest caper settle her down? Playing long distance phone tag finally connects Sam to a client of his from a year ago, or so Wendall claims. Sam is reluctant to take the job of defending family honor, but the eccentric, wealthy family draws him in. More of the neurotic family members are interviewed about the missing person. Is there a money trail? At the bank, Sam gets some crossed wires, when Wendall claims to have never spoken to the hard boiled detective at, all. Golly! The crazy characters just don’t stop for Sam, including a notable pink car. If it wasn’t Wendall who contacted Sam, who did? The trail isn’t too difficult, but ddangerous. Awaking from a thump on the head, Sam finds his pants on fire. Being a little burned up, pun intended, as well as various others, Sam confronts Rowdy Dowser to see why he tried to kill him. Fists speak, but does Rowdy know anything about the missing uncle Purse “Snatcher” Wisby? Sam smells a rat, and might be able to save the Wisby farm.

 Philip Marlowe (BBC02) The High Window. 771017 (rretro575) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:55

California, 1941. Visiting a potential client, Marlowe meets the formidable Mrs Murdock, and becomes acquainted with the eccentric family and the matter of a missing, rare coin. Can Marlowe handle the delicate family matter, and leave it to Mrs Murdock to privately rake her daughter in law, Linda, over the coals for swiping the coin? She did it… right? Nightclub owners, kept women, love triangles, club singers, and murder creep into the picture. Marlowe soon has more trouble than he expected. The cops are willing to work with Philip, but the complications are just beginning when that rare doubloon shows up in the hands of our hard boiled detective. But when the coin shows up with Mrs Murdock, the case is closed as far as she’s concerned. Is Marlowe obligated to keep his client’s embarrassments confidential? How much can he tell to the cops and keep his conscience clear? The Murdock matter may be closed… sort of… but there’s murder that Marlowe is left to answer on his own. Facing a deadline with the cops, Marlowe digs into who killed who, and why. Easy resolutions are at hand to appease the cops, but the travesty of justice, truth, and ethics only make a big stink for Marlowe. Bodies pile up, secrets explode to the surface, and blackmail is exposed. Though the cops are happy with their case closure, it’s confrontation time to unravel the truth, and see that justice is done, confidentially, and in Marlowe style. Bonus Tracks It’s a long show, so Keith keeps his comments brief. There’s only some mention about the manner of justice, while avoiding the justice system.

 Show # 791 – Forgotten hits of 1961 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Great memories of one of the pivotal years in Rock history

 Vic and Sade – Russell Stays with Milton Welch. 440630 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:17

As bedtime nears, Vic seems in a jovial and goofy mood. His conversatipon with Sade is interupted when Russel has news of a sleep over that he is to take part in at Milton’s house. The late hour is no proper time to make social calls, and Sade spouts off over the outrage of it. Russel hasn’t had a bath after a hard day of playing baseball. Not to mention the arrangements the hostess of the Welch house needs to get worked out. She even wants Russel to pack an overnight bag for his simple overnighter.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Civic Pride Caper. ep243, 510413 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

The first thing Sam Spade needs to do is sober up his client. The distraught architect has had his building project sabotaged. Who had it out for him? Sam’s investigation leads to a dame. Does her boss, Albert Mitchell, know something about the building that collapsed? Sam might never learn what Mitchell knows, because he discovers the building inspector just moments after being gunshot. After a night of questioning by the police, Sam gets an audience with the mayor. Sam learns that both the architect and inspector had good reputations in town. Who is the third party who might want to ruin them? Who else is in this story? Will the dame have something to do with the case? Shady business contacts? Someone else? Sam learns deadly secrets about the inferior building project. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Vic and Sade – War Bond Visitor. 440629 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:50

A rare show topic involving the war effort. Sade rushes around the house, trying to prep her men on the visitor that is to pop in later. Her mission isn’t directly mentioned, but from the conversation we gather the woman is canvassing the neighborhood to drum up sales of war bonds. Is Vic and Russel as concerned? In their own way they are, but Sade is worried they won’t treat their visitor with due respect. She’s one of those acquaintences who Sade barely knows, but Sade bends over backwards to meet perceived obligations to her.

 Dragnet – Big Grab. ep55, 500629 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

Homicide detail. A woman has disappeared, taken from her home by a man disguised as a police officer. It’s up to Joe Friday to find her. On night watch, Joe and Ben tell about the wait, after posting news bulletins over the airwaves on the missing woman. The maid had reported a man in a gray suit, identified himself as the police, and had taken the lady of the house, Mrs Kessle. The kidnappers have only called not for a ransom, but to warn the cops to stay away, or they’d kill their victim. In voiceover, Joe Friday tells what police policy is in dealing with a kidnapping. Despite the trauma, professor Kessle keeps up appearances for the sake of his children, since this is the first night of Passover, and the Seder meal has already been arranged. Even Joe and Ben are invited to the solemn holiday observance as the family tries to keep up appearances. All that can be done for the cops is wait… and be part of the prayers for the meal. Despite a call from the morgue, prayers continue, until professor Kessle can’t take it any further, and breaks down. A visit to the morgue determines the corpse isn’t his wife. Without further word, it’s as if kidnappers and victim have vanished. A written note comes that is handled with care, to preserve any fingerprints. This time the warning to keep cops away is accompanied by a ransom demand. Following the ransom instructions, except for the keep cops away part, and the bring money part, are closely observed. Will the kidnappers fall into the cops trap?No show, and no further contact wears on nerves, as the cops wait with the family. A stroke of luck turns up Mrs Kessle, but she can’t tell where she has been or who abducted her. The kidnapper’s plan falls apart, and is soon picked up.

 Lum and Abner- Mary’s Guardian. 430804 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

The search for the run away girl, Ellie Conners, seems to be winding down. Now posing as Lum’s niece, Mary, she has become the hit of the town. Now that Mary has endeared herself to the gents, and things seem to be going well, Lum begins to have doubts that he did the right thing in her cover up. Abner gets confused, and thinks Lum intends to dress like a woman to get information on Ellie’s past. Is there a chance the state will parole Ellie out of the reformatory home, and make Lum her guardian? Grandpap pops in with news of who he has seen on the street. The gents try to brush him off, since they don’t want him to know what they plan in asking into Ellie’s past. Not to be ignored, grandpap thinks the gents are being thoughty of him, and tells tales about indians with wiskers. Is it true they used to rub rocks on their face to get rid of them? Would it be a good way to polish rocks to sell as souvenirs?

 Halls Of Ivy – Faculty Raffle. ep26, 500628 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Doc Hall marvels that everything on his schedule is going well and without any problems. As he tells Vicky of her honor to draw the winner of the traditional faculty raffle, she doesn’t think it’s such an honor. Mr Wellman stops in to express his disdain at the longstanding tradition. Is there anything this guy isn’t grumpy about? To add to the story, Professor Warren announces his retirement after having a long career on campus. Doc Hall suspects there’s more to his story than is being told. The elder professor is going blind, but is too proud to ask for help, or lenience in keeping his job. Inspired by Vicky, Doc Hall arrives at a way to keep up both the traditional raffle, and get the money that is needed for the expensive operation to save Professor Warren’s eyesight. What does a horse and buggy have to do with the matter?

 Vic and Sade – A Letter From Mr Buller. 440628 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:46

On a hot Summer day, the Gook family all try to stay cool. Russel is all for a dip in the pool down at the Y, but Sade whips out her arsenal of reasons to not go. She sends him on an errand to the store for a few kitchen essentials. Vic has an important letter from his Kitchenware company. What amazing news does he have from his boss? Sade is less than interested, and Russel is forced to re-read the opening lines over and over again, due to the interuptions of Vic and Sade. Sade sees Vic’s shortening patience at having his letter not be read, but I suppose she doesn’t feel that her comments of lacking interest aren’t as rude. Not to mention poor Russel, who has to read the same opening words at his parents rude interuptions. A call from Ruthie Stembottom is the thing to break the rising emotions, but in the end we’re right where we entered.

 Vic and Sade – Uncle Fletcher Gets A Job Offer. 440627 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:11

Join in as uncle Fletcher is in full swing, telling Russel about people he has known, and their amazing lives. Though he’s concerned that his grown up topics might be too much for Russel to grasp, he keeps going. Vic enters in high spirits, as usual, and kicks Russel off his seat in the porch swing. Fletcher finally gets the chance to tell his adult news to an adult, but can he get rid of Russel for a few moments? Emotions finally pour forth as Fletcher shares why he’s so upset at the hardware store owner, and the job he was offered. A flattering offer, but one that Fletcher considers to not be above board. After the tirade, the satisfied Fletcher leaves, but at the price of leaving Vic and Russel’s light mood for a flat one.


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