Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Unwilling Suitor. 430803 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

As Abner fills grocery orders over the phone, we find that one item that had been rationed was coffee. Rationing has been lifted, but now folks don’t seem to want coffee so badly. The discussion turns to Ellie Conner, now known as Lum’s niece, Mary Edwards. The gents have grown fond of the girl. Is it safe for her to be out on her own so much? Cedric enters to tell how he got put back on his old job at the defense plant. Is that a promotion, or demotion? Cedric doesn’t care, as long as he gets to be on a daytime schedule. He gets told about Mary. Will he keep her company? The gents try to push Cedric and Mary together, to have him show her around, and we see a little of Cedric’s awkward side around girls. Will the youngsters play games, like pinball, or just talk about stuff, or maybe books?

 Father Knows Best – Decoration Woes. ep65, 510118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

In preparing to meet the new, wealthy family in town, the Anderson family tries to break it gently to dad that the living room needs redecorating. Is he getting off lightly at the $500 price tag? Margret agrees to let him do the job himself, if Jim thinks he can do a professional job, and for less. He only needs to tell the decorator who was hired, and just arrived to go away. With Bud and Kathy for helpers, Jim has to cover up patchy spots in the paint job with pictures on the wall. if only he had enough pictures. Maybe mom won’t notice. The new family has arrived, and it’s too late to fix the decorating job. It seems the new family has been just as worried about making good impressions, and a comfortable camaraderie is made between the menfolk. Will every one be more comfortable in the living room? The crazy decorating job turns out to make an impact on the new family. Not in a good way… but not entirely bad either.

 Bing Crosby Double Feature, 1934 to 1946 (retro574) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:23

Not quite a Retro Diary, just a lot of Bing Crosby. Presenting a couple of firsts… sort of… An early radio show, and the earliest I can find at the moment, plus his first show for Philco Radio. Woodbury Show 34-09-18 (33) First Song – Love In Bloom Features: Ken Carpenter, Bing Crosby, Boswell Sisters. * Love In Bloom (Chorus only * On My Way to You (Bing Crosby). * Heebie Geebie Blues (Boswell Sisters). * Medley of Hollywood’s Favorites. (Georgie Stoehl and his Orchestra). * Medley of sweet band music. (Georgie Stoehl and his Orchestra). * Just a Wearying for You (Bing Crosby). * Why Don’t You Practice What You Preach (Connie, Jess and Martha Boswell). * Love in Bloom (reprise) Note: We learn that Bing has sons, and recently twins. We also learn the names of the Boswell Sisters. Philco Radio Time 46-10-16 ep1 Bob Hope Features: Ken Carpenter, John Scot Trotter, Stitch Henderson, Charioteers. * Sun in the Morning and the Moon At Night. * Moonlight Bay (Bing with Charioteers). * Turkey in the Straw (Stitch Henderson Piano instrumental). * Bob “Philco” Hpe welcomes Bing to the air with a new show, new sponsor, and generally dishes out the insults to his pal. * Jokes about each others past times rule. Baseball teams, horses , and movies. * Bing and Bob’s song, Put It There Pal, gets ad libbed lyrics to keep the theme going. * Love on a Grayhound Bus (Lena Romei). * Cynthia (Bing). Bonus Tracks * Keith spends some time with how Bing’s song, Love in Bloom, relates to Jack Benny. Also a few other tidbits on Bing. * The Retrobots get a phone call to further cut their time short. * Be sure to check out a special podcast for some fun, and flashing back to the 1980’s. Zerbinatorland –

 X Minus One – Protection. ep93, 570320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

On campus, a student, Charlie, finds himself with a cold. His friend is nearly ran down by a truck but is rescued by an invisible stranger. The alien is invisible on this planet, but has amazing powers to predict potential dangers. Is this where premonitions of danger come from? Warnings prove correct, and the alien is allowed to be a constant companion and protector. What’s in it for the stranger? All any Dirg wants out of life is the satisfaction of helping. All goes well for a while, and life is normal enough, other than an occasional report of hazards. Reports grow, and expand to ever widening locations. Genuine enough, but often irrelevant. Then comes the worst news… a Gamper is after our hero. But will he give the Dirg the brush off? If he does, is there any defense against the Gamper, or other nasty invisible critters who zero in on our hero? Is there anything to avoid to keep the invisible critters from being set off and enraged? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "X Minus One on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "1617093475,1570199590,1617090379,1570195870"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Vic and Sade – Thimble Club Bazaar. 440626 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:57

Vic has Russel read a note from Sade. What is it that has Vic so upset over the letter? At the reading of each word, and phrase Vic picks apart the message to look for hidden meaning. Is Sade actually mad at him, or is it just his paranoid side kicking in? There’s one sure way to find out. Sade comes home, and it’s Russel’s big chance to clear the air on the matter. Suddenly, Vic tries to keep his son quiet as he hides his ire of a few moments earlier. Vic tries to switch to a happy face as he listens to Sade, and tries to keep her from knowing the mean things he said just a few moments ago. As Sade continues to tell about her happenings at the thinble club. Can he keep Russel from telling on him?Will Sade catch on that there may be trouble in paradise? If it’s up to Russel, she may figure it out.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – This Is My Commandment. ep99, 490220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

The sound of approaching marching Roman feet strike terror in one small village. Is Saul, the town elder shielding a murderer. A Roman soldier was killed, but why is the Roman Centurian so sure the killer is from the village, or being hidden there? If the killer isn’t handed over the men of the town will be lined up, and decimated. (That means 1 in 10 killed, not all of them) Joshua is the suspected man, but he has been out of town on business. Can he be intercepted before he returns, and warned? Joshua is found at the Masters feet. What is the command that is given? Greater love has no man, but to lay down his life for another? Will Joshua be able to prove his innocence? Even if he can’t it bothers him that others might be killed because of him. Back in the town, men are being lined up and counted off. Will Joshua make it back in time? Will truth win the day, or does the Roman centurion already have his mind made up, and only wants facts that fits into his version of it? Why did Joshua have the Roman short sword, and murder weapon in his possession? Taking a brave stand in love ensures military justice, and that peace is restored to a quiet little town.

 Jack Benny – From Waukegan, Illinois. ep342, 390625 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

Greetings from Waukegan for the season finale. Jack keeps butting in on Don’s long winded introduction, and the home town boy tells about meeting his old friends. Phil Harris tells about having to spend the night in jail with the mayor. Mary has been doing her own sight seeing, and reports on land marks that feature Jack. Mary reads a poem O Waukegan, O Waukegan. Phil plays, Rose of Washington Square. In town for the premier of Jack’s movie, Man About Town, Jack pitches the film. His pal, Bitey Walcott takes the stage for a little jive talking. Kenny Baker had to leave to return to Hollywood, but Phil and Mary will present a song right after Andy Divine pops in. Phil Harris and Mary Livingstone sing, The Lady’s in Love With You. Will the crowd be up for a violin solo from Jack? In honor of his first violin teacher, Jack gets ready to play, Glow Worm. First, an interruption from Rochester about Carmichael’s antics. Time for Jack and the gang to run offf to attend his premier. Note: Kenny had his last appearance on the show last week. He wouldn’t be back, since he left the show for greener pastures. In the Fall, Dennis Day would take over in his place. In about a year, Kenny would become a regular for Fred Allen. PS: The Glow Worm was a song written in part by Johnny Mercer, and had only been released a few years earlier. Lum and Abner fans will recognize it as the tune that OpieCates has perpetual trouble with on the half hour shows.

 Great Gildersleeve – Election Day – Gildy Loses. ep132, 440625Election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:59

Campaigning is over, and the promising election day results mean Eve Goodwin has promised to marry Gildy. It also means mother Goodwin will come to live with them. A mixed blessing for Gildersleeve. In his dreams, Gildy faces fear of losing his maid, Birdie, as images of his wedding day run through his head. Glad to leave the nightmares behind, Gildy is particularly generous with Leroy and Marjorie. When Eve and her mother arrive, Gildy’s breakfast is cut short, and the previously unassuming old woman begins making her intrusions into Gildy’s routine. Is she trying to rush a wedding? Is an elopement more romantic? Gildy is still leading in the polls for mayor by a 2 to 1 margin, but could his opponent still win? That means Eve might not marry him… hey, is Gildy thinking of sabotaging his own campaign? In campaign headquarters, Judge Hooker is thrilled at the landslide in early votes, but Peavey isn’t so sure. Gildy is moody, but it looks like it’s in the bag for mayor elect Gildersleeve when news comes in that his opponent has conceded the election. Leila enters to congratulate the winner. Is a chapter passing between the old flames that can’t be regained? With all the happy expectations of the win, and the wedding, why is Gildy still so distraught? There’s only one sure way to feel better, and that’s if the election somehow tips the other way, and for a loss for Gildersleeve.

 Show # 790″ With This Ring Part Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown
 Dimension X – Destination Moon. ep12, 500624 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:24

In the radio broadcast service for the Missing Persons Bureau, a strange radio signal cuts in over the normally secure channel. Who could be doing such a thing? Where is the signal coming from? Can it be a message from the moon? Names are mentioned that match up with missing person reports, but nobody believes the report that Henry is giving. Mr Philo, a newspaper reporter is willing to listen to the theories that Henry, and the broadcast technician have been working on. The plot thickens when a lits of names is found on Henrys desk, then they are the next ones for him to report as missing over his broadcast. As the facts emerge, and the newspaper reports hit the press, the synacal, grumpy boss begins to soften and listens to Henry’s theories. The broadcast studios seem eery and spooky after hours when the boss joins Henry in a meeting with the reporter as another moon broadcast is expected. Is there a conspiracey of some sort? Renegade scientists, slave labor, atomic energy, flying disks, invasions? What kind of danger has Henry exposed? The boss is now a convert, and as he tries to keep Henry safe, and make a quick get away, things begin to fall apart. What kind of evil forces has henry gotten riled up, and on his case? What does it mean when he suddenly finds himself on a rocket that is blasting off for the moon? By the time he learns the truth behind the missing persons, and the evil plot to invade the earth, it may be too late for poor Henry. Good always triumhs over evil, right? Compare: X Minus One – The Man In The Moon. 550529

 Lum and Abner – Convinced Ellie Is Mary. 430802 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:14

A mix up has found Lum claiming that the escaped girl from the state home is really his niece. With the new cover, it’s safe for her to come out of hiding in the feed room, and help around the store. The mix up meant shoving Abner onto the train in her place, and he still isn’t back yet. He won’t be in trouble for riding on a child’s ticket will he? He also has Ellie’s satchel. Looking like a worn out tramp, and feeling like he’s walked his feet down to his knees, Abner arrives back in the store. He tells about his journey back, without money, since he already passed it all to Ellie, and the ordeal of hitchhiking. . Troubles being mistaken for a vagrant, and in awkward positions having to explain why he was traveling with a satchel full of girl’s clothes. Lum and Elly fill Abner in on her new identity as Lum’s niece. They even have an excuse to keep Abner out of trouble with his woman, Lizabeth. Lum also explains about a new patriotic thing folks are doing. Having a box lunch, and hiking out to have a picnic. Hiking is the one thing Abner refuses to take part in.

 Vic and Sade – Lodge Telescope. 440623 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:13

As Vic reads through a lodge catalog, Russel and Sade enter. Russel is fascinated by the idea of the telescope that Vic is considering, but the storm is about to blow in. Sade is immediately skeptical of the waste of good money to support the lodge, and the things they push in the pages of the catalog. Will Russel’s input on the merits of learning astronomy be enough to sell Sade on the telescope? Can Vic defend his position by pulling out the lodge manuals to quote from the pages? The Exalted Big Dipper ought to know something about the stars, shouldn’t he? Sade may not be the smartest person when it comes to math, but she can’t let any more money be spent above the regalia and other lodge trinkets that Vic has already filled her house with. When she swipes Vic’s catalog, and refuses to give it back, he has to resort to quoting Latin at her.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Vendetta Caper. ep241, 510330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:59

Or the Revenge of Monty Cristoff. A man of high social circles, Gosden, is losing ground regarding his public reputation. The millionaire hires Sam to investigate Monty Cristoff to see why he has been ruining hin. Cristoff has got word of the investigation, and calls Sam to his lavish home to share his side of the story. Taken for a ride, Sam is given the option to be bought off, or be thumped on the head. Not to give much away, but Sam must be short a thump or two on his head this week. Getting the upper hand, Sam confronts the high society folk in his recent past to get a few things straight. True identities are discovered, but why the game of revenge, and the parallel to the tale of the Count of Monte Cristo? A sell out by Gosden’s own wife could be the final blow that ruins him. Confronting Cristoff again, Sam learns deep, and long running family secrets. Will tempers flare? Can Sam stop a murder from needlessly going down?

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Port-au-Prince Haiti. 500530. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Protecting the interests of his insurance company, Johnny is on the way to the island nation of Haiti. He has to investigate the case of a man diing of a voodoo curse. Doubting the superstitious element, Johnny looks into the mans personality by interviewing his family and friends. He explores the medical outlook on superstitions like curses. Johnny even visits the witch doctor who placed the curse to find out what he can learn. Not believing the smoke and mirrors routine of the witch doctor, Johnny goes back to the ship that’s anchored in the harbor to confront the family, and the bogus tricks surrounding the curse. Is it all for real, or just a scam? The tricks used to substantiate the curse are actually based on good science, and any of them could produce a deadly situation, putting poisonous gases in the air, or displacing oxygen. Johnnies interferance may have gotten rid of the witch doctor, but now the people behind the anticipated murder have to resort to more common ways to deliver death. He has it figured out, and Johnny has to act fast. In one fell swoop Johnny nabs the bad guys, and rescues his client from the mental stress that he has been under. PS: In facing the witch doctor, Johnny basically tells him to leave the matter alone or risk losing his license to practice. Huh? Do witch doctors have a license, or need one? I don’t think it matters all that much. It makes me wonder where I might go to get my degree to practice witch doctoring. Do they need to consult a witch pharmacist? Or do they handle their own prescriptions? What about collecting on bills? Pay up or I’ll shrink your head! Can you imagine the piped in music in the waiting room? Soft, easy listening versions of That Old Black Magick, or The Cipmonks sing the Witch Doctor Song.

 Philip Marlowe – The Bedside Manners. ep86, 500530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Out on the streets, our hardboiled detective gets a broken leg that’s bad enough to require a stay in a hospital room. While flat on his back, a dame comes to him with trouble with her gambling brother. This is such an easy job that Marlowe can handle it from his hospital bed… right? Calling in some favors, and street contacts, he soon ends up with body in his room, while shady characters parade through the room, and out the fire escape outside the window. Is there more going on besides the gambling? Who would want to interfere badly enough to bring murder into the picture? Through the string of folks passing through the room, one after another, dames, bookies, and thugs of all shapes and sizes, Marlowe is finally confronted by the killer, and has to do some fast bluffing to save his life. He is bluffing… right? Note: I purposely cut my show note short today. I like the concept of solving a mystery, without the need to hit the streets. However, I have some issues with the story. First, where are the nurses? Why did nobody discover there was a body in the room… at all… other than Marlowe who never calls it in. Shouldn’t the nursing staff have been concerned about a ton of people going to visit a patient, but few of them leaving, since some of them went out the window? I get the idea of a window that opens to a fire escape. Though that practice isn’t done anymore in modern high rise buildings, it was common back then. Good try to the story writers, but I felt it was a little over the top.


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