Lum and Abner – Unwilling Suitor. 430803

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Abner fills grocery orders over the phone, we find that one item that had been rationed was coffee. Rationing has been lifted, but now folks don’t seem to want coffee so badly. The discussion turns to Ellie Conner, now known as Lum’s niece, Mary Edwards. The gents have grown fond of the girl. Is it safe for her to be out on her own so much? <br> Cedric enters to tell how he got put back on his old job at the defense plant. Is that a promotion, or demotion? Cedric doesn’t care, as long as he gets to be on a daytime schedule. He gets told about Mary. Will he keep her company? <br> The gents try to push Cedric and Mary together, to have him show her around, and we see a little of Cedric’s awkward side around girls. Will the youngsters play games, like pinball, or just talk about stuff, or maybe books? <br>