Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Port-au-Prince Haiti. 500530.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Protecting the interests of his insurance company, Johnny is on the way to the island nation of Haiti. He has to investigate the case of a man diing of a voodoo curse. <br> Doubting the superstitious element, Johnny looks into the mans personality by interviewing his family and friends. He explores the medical outlook on superstitions like curses. Johnny even visits the witch doctor who placed the curse to find out what he can learn. <br> Not believing the smoke and mirrors routine of the witch doctor, Johnny goes back to the ship that’s anchored in the harbor to confront the family, and the bogus tricks surrounding the curse. Is it all for real, or just a scam? The tricks used to substantiate the curse are actually based on good science, and any of them could produce a deadly situation, putting poisonous gases in the air, or displacing oxygen. Johnnies interferance may have gotten rid of the witch doctor, but now the people behind the anticipated murder have to resort to more common ways to deliver death. <br> He has it figured out, and Johnny has to act fast. In one fell swoop Johnny nabs the bad guys, and rescues his client from the mental stress that he has been under. <br> PS: In facing the witch doctor, Johnny basically tells him to leave the matter alone or risk losing his license to practice. Huh? Do witch doctors have a license, or need one? I don’t think it matters all that much. It makes me wonder where I might go to get my degree to practice witch doctoring. Do they need to consult a witch pharmacist? Or do they handle their own prescriptions? What about collecting on bills? Pay up or I’ll shrink your head! Can you imagine the piped in music in the waiting room? Soft, easy listening versions of That Old Black Magick, or The Cipmonks sing the Witch Doctor Song. <br> <br>