Father Knows Best – Decoration Woes. ep65, 510118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In preparing to meet the new, wealthy family in town, the Anderson family tries to break it gently to dad that the living room needs redecorating. Is he getting off lightly at the $500 price tag? Margret agrees to let him do the job himself, if Jim thinks he can do a professional job, and for less. He only needs to tell the decorator who was hired, and just arrived to go away. <br> With Bud and Kathy for helpers, Jim has to cover up patchy spots in the paint job with pictures on the wall. if only he had enough pictures. Maybe mom won’t notice. <br> The new family has arrived, and it’s too late to fix the decorating job. It seems the new family has been just as worried about making good impressions, and a comfortable camaraderie is made between the menfolk. <br> Will every one be more comfortable in the living room? The crazy decorating job turns out to make an impact on the new family. Not in a good way… but not entirely bad either. <br> <br>