Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – Big Dare. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:39

On Homicide detail, Joe Friday has to investigate the case of a woman being stabbed to death. In the police station, Joe has a report typed as he and Ben discuss their case. A teenager enters under emotional duress. He recounts finding his mom after returning home from the movies. Did she have any visitors? Was there any family fights? A follow up at Juvenile Hall is in store, and more leads to call on. Fingerprints on the murder weapon may seal the deal. In voiceover, Joe describes the progress of the case. The motive is tough to pin down. Being a young widow, mom seems to have quite the list of gentleman callers to track down. Back in voiceover, Joe tells about the tedium and mundane procedures. Not to mention how investigations can drag out. Interviews continue, and we learn from a friend of Mrs Dixon about a few possible suspects out of her list of boyfriends. Neighbors help provide a timeline. Easy to do since the shouts from the house help place the time. Why would neighbors think the argument ended with nothing to worry about? All that’s left is to go pick up a killer. It still won’t be simple.

 Vic and Sade – Russell Reminisces About The Old Days. 440803 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:08

In the aftermath of a wild night of playing 500 with the Stembottoms, Vic and Sade share a little about their evening with their friends. Russell had been out with a group of 8 friends, but enters in a melanchollie mood. While the sleepy Vic does all he can to stay awake, Russel tells about the career moves of his circle of buddies. With the level of mature talk coming from Russell about the life changes of his friends, Sade has to be reminded that his gang are teenagers and not in their 40’s. He remembers those long gone days of the 30’s. Remember those? Yeah, I know it was a long time ago now, but At the time of this recording, they were barely gone for 4 years. Sade humors Russell, but ends up feeling like an old grandmother before it’s all done. She actually lets him go on in great detail without interupptions, or interjecting her own gossip. I guess it’s just because she’s too tired to bother with it.

 15 Minutes With Crosby – First Song – Just One More Chance. ep1, 310902 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:45

A delay for everyone’s favorite baritone in coming to the radio is due to recovering from laryngitis, but today, Bing takes to the airwaves in his brand new radio showcase. Bing sings every night except Sundays. Playlist: * Just One More Chance. * I’m Through With Love.

 Alan Freed’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Party – Big Maybelle, Jimmy Cabello and the House Rockers, the Moonglows. ep22, 1956 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

Playlist: * Sam the Man Taylor, Push It. * Jimmy Cabello and the House Rockers, * Rock Everybody. * The Groovy Thing. * Big Maybelle, * Ring Ding Dilly. * Candy. (A blues cover of the old Johnny Mercer hit) * Sam the Man Taylor, I Don’t need Much Money. * The Moonglows * Like a Jigsaw. * It Only Happens When I’m With You.

 Vic and Sade – Sade Asks Vic To Evict Mr Overholt. 440802 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:59

Sade has a pressing task for Vic, but it’s one that he doesn’t much care for. He doesn’t want to get involved in other people’s affairs. After over committing herself to help out an acquaintence, the pressure of local society weighs heavy on Sade, and even more so when Vic flatly refuses to help. Russel enters, and when he hears of the eviction, he is perfectly willing to be the heavy to toss out Mrs Harris undesireable tenant. Will he be convincing, or carry much weight in the matter? Though Vic claims to have his own pressing work to do, and storms out to the next room, he eaves drops on Russel and Sade. Sade’s guilt trip appears to wear down Vic, and Russel’s willingness adds up to his change of heart. As Vic is lured back to the room to man up, and help Sade, a phone call comes in. Fortunatley for Vic, the matter has cleared itself up. PS: This is one of those episodes where Russel shines in his attempt to do the manly thing. Though Vic wants to be logical, and keep his distance from a matter that doesn’t concern him, Russell is chomping at the bit to toss his weight around and be the heavy for Sade. Not sure I could imagine Rush in this role, but Russel is great in it.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – Sam & Psychiatrist Dr Denhoff. 460802 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

A psycho-analyst comes to Sam Spade’s office with a load of troubles about a blackmailer. Not particularly interested in the doctor’s trouble, it takes a nice price to sway him. Look out, once Sam takes the job, it doesn’t take long for the bodies to pile up. At the scene of the murder, the cast of suspects begin to make their way before Sam. The weeping widow, a partner who only wants the patient records and take over the business. Is this a suicide, as the police claim? The doctor was involved with an actress on the stage. What about her, or her manager? Meet the shady blackmailer, Nicholaitus. Is there a motive for him to kill his mark? Get ready for some gun blasting moments as Sam Spade wisecracks his way through the loose ends. Have you got the mystery figured out? Who’s motive for murder was the real one? Who was the one person that could be at the right place at the right time? PS: I love Howard Duff as he portrays the hard boiled, wise cracking detective. Though I love the work of Lurene Tuttle as Effie Perine, or any role she’s in, I really hate the character in the show. OK, I hate the way the writers wrote the character, and changed her from a smart gal who knew what she wanted, and knew how to pave the way to get it. In the books, Effie could be vulnerable, but she was strong and multi-faceted. In the radio show, she does little more than read a few lines at the beginning and end, and is such a dumb and clueless person. Of course, the 30 minute format of each mystery makes it hard to cram her part into the mix. It’s also one big reason I’m less keen on mysteries. It can take much longer than 30 or even a 60 minute show to develop characters, and clues. More red herrings can enter the story, and make things less cut and dried. Or more character development can make it more clear why a person acts the way they do. In the short format, you get 2 dimensional people, with stereotypical personalities. Don’t get me wrong. I still enjoy a mystery. Especially when they’re well written and acted. Despite my criticism of Sam Spade, and Dashel Hammet was only involved in name only, the shows are action packed, with clear cut morals, and justice intact. Good guys win, bad guys lose.

 Andrews Sisters – Guest: George Jessel. ep40, 451212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:59

Excellent audio. Announcer: Harlowe Wilcox. Vic Shone Orchestra.. Playlist: * Kurt Massey, the Ambassadors, and the Andrews join together for the opening tune, A Grand Time for Singing. * The sisters sing, Until I Know You Better. * Kurt Massey sings, The Stranger in Town. * The sisters sing,Money is the Root of All Evil. * Standing by in the Kelvinator green room, George Jessel enters to be recognized for his comic accomplishments. He shows off his popular style with a one sided phone conversation to his family. * George follows up by singing, My Mother’s Eyes. * The Andrews Sisters are joined by Kurt Massey to sing, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. * The whole gang teams up to sing, Stardust.

 You Bet Your Life – Secret Word: Hair. 501206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:14

A bachelor and a spinster are first up. Florence is a hostess. Max is from Vienna, and is a cab driver. Groucho learns about unusual experiences on the job. Will matchmaker Groucho get the couple together? The couple chooses the topic of, Composers of Operas, to build their $20 as high as they can. Women dentists are in the audience, and one is paired with a Texan who is going back to school. Groucho learns about their family lives. How did the Texan meet his wife? What advice would a dentist give for teeth? With a topic of, Complete the Names, the couple try for the $1000 grand prize. A Deputy Sheriff and a Symphony Conductor are paired together. Groucho finds out about the lady deputy and her occupation as a prison guard. The puns fly as Groucho chats with the conductor. They choose the topic of, Uses of Money, to try and beat the other couples. Will someone say the secret word? Who will go to the final round? Will they win, or will the jackpot grow?

 Vic and Sade – Rotten Old Overshoes. 440801 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:09

Vic enters on a rainy day to find that Sade is worried over keeping her menfolk from catching pneumonia in the rainy and wet weather. After getting a new pair of overshoes, Russel is to have Vic’s old ones passed down to him. Will Russel go for the over sized gunboats that Vic has for him? Why doesn’t Russel have his own overshoes to wear? Embarrassment over being seen in public is the main defense to rebel against wearing the shoes. Russel has a better solution to his problem. He wants to ride to Sunday School in a taxi cab. I think Russel might win this arguement, and rightly so, since it was Sade who accidentally threw his overshoes in the trash by mistake.

 Bob Hope ( Pepsodent Show) Judy Garland. ep24, 390307 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:03

Leading off with jokes on horse racing at Santa Anita, Bob includes topics of losing at betting, pickpockets, trouble finding parking, and more. After Bill Goodwin announces the night’s guest, Skinny Ennis is accompanied by the Six Hits and a Miss to sing, Could Be. Bill Goodwin helps with more jokes on losing at the horse races. Patsy Kelleygets in some thin jokes at the expense of Skinny Ennis, to which Skinny enters and defend his muscular manliness. Patsy reads a letter from home to critique the cast. That young star, soon to be seen in the Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland enters to croon to Bob, It Had to Be You. Bob is speechless to meet his fan face to face. The two compare notes on having crushes. With so many other handsome men in Hollywood, why did she have to pick on Bob? Will Judy’s broken heart ever recover? To pick the spirits back up, Judy belts out, Franklin D Roosevelt Jones. Bringing you his comic look at the popular song hit, I Have Eyes, Bob and Bill joke about being a spy. Patsy is the receptionist of the spy agency, where men have numbers instead of names, and sultry dames from exotic places come calling. What sort of danger, mystery, and intrigue will Bob find at the embassy? Craziness ensues when Jerry Colonna is the ambassador.

 X Minus One – Man’s Best Friend. ep98, 570424 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:13

A fortune telling machine has just predicted the next ruler of the free world. Mr Schnay thinks the machine is a lot of nonsense. The former ruler of the planet phones to congratulate the unassuming winner. All the newcomer needs to do is kill his predecessor, and get a speech ready for the thronging masses. The reluctant leader makes excuses, claiming no administrative or leadership abilities. Mr Schnay just can’t get on board with the luxuries, and trappings of office. Dragging his feet all the way, he can’t get as worked up over the change of power as the overlords in his cabinet, or the cheering people outside his window. There’s still the unpleasant business of assassins, and corpses. The killing is to be covered on network TV, for all the world to go wild over. With the hype of the day over, and in the silence that follows in private, a surprising secret is learned by Mr Schnay that invites him into a secret society. What other low tech scams could be lurking behind the high power methods of ruling in the future?

 Vic and Sade – Hank Cuts His Debt to Vic. 440731 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:07

Russel talks with Sade about the postcard he gets every week from his Sunday School teacher, telling that he was missed in class. He hasn’t missed Sunday School in a long time. Vic enters to have a lunch of beef puncles, and with news that ought to make Sade particularly happy. Instead, the check that Hank Gutstop paid towards his many loans from Vic only raises doubt from Sade. The $8 he paid doesn’t come close to the hundreds of dollars that has been borrowed over the years. Vic is impressed that the payment came while his friend was on vacation in a location near the Missouri State Home for the Tall. It may not begin to cover the debts, but given Hanks track record, Sade ought to at least be glad to get what she can out of old Hank.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – The Parable of the Lost Coin. ep30, 470817 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Under cover of darkness, a couple youth raid the juicy grapes of a vineyard. What will David’s mother think of the prank when he is caught? An example needs to be made for ruining the grapes. Which will hurt David’s mother worse, being dragged out to stand before the judge, or running away to join a caravan? Mom finds out about the crime, and the disappearance only worries her all the more. Although not a lost coin, a lost son is more valuable. Traveling with her other son, Simeon, mom persists in chasing after David. On the road, David tries making a way for himself with the caravan traders. Thinking his crimes are worse than they are, he falls prey to Wiley merchants who want to use him. Will he be finding himself sinking deeper into a life of crime? Mom may not be as healthy as her sons, or the men in the caravan across the desert, but she is tenacious in her pursuit. Is there any hope in catching up to her errant son? Will he end up dead? Will he be too deep into crime to rescue? Mom won’t stop until she finds her lost son. Will there be a happy reunion? Will guilt and shame be exchanged for reconciliation? PS: This also aired as ep140, 500305.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Will Impersonate Uncle Henry’s Conscience. 430906 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:00

The last day for Mary’s probation has arrived. Anticipation runs high for Lum and Abner as they wait for the important word. Has the recent pranks damaged their chances of winning guardianship of the girl? A case of hiccups strikes Abner, as Lum fields important phone calls. Can the gents put a scare into the town law man to change him from his stubborn ways? Lum puts together a plan to have Abner stand outside the window, and pretend to be uncle Henry’s conscience when he visits the store. The crusty constable arrives, with a clear conscience on how he has performed his duties. A telegram doesn’t hold good news for the hope in keeping Mary, and Abner excuses himself to leave. Will Abner’s disembodied voice, coming through the open window, be believable? Is it possible for a conscience to have the hiccups? Will anything sway uncle Henry from upholding the law?

 Retro OTRDiary 30 Top Hits of 1944 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08:02

The Retrobots help out as Keith counts down the hits of 1944. We were able to locate almost all of these except one, so our first song is an honorable mention. 41. Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes Long Ago & Far Away 39. Johnny Dennis Mairzy Doates 38. Bert Ambrose & his Orchestra It Can’t Be Wrong 37. Stan Kenton And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine 36. Jo Stafford It Could Happen to You 35. Frank Sinatra White Christmas 34. Tommy Dorsey Opus One 33. The Mills Brothers Till Then 32. Bing Crosby Long Ago & Far Away 31. Frank Sinatra I Couldn’t Sleep A Wink Last Night 30. Helen Forrest Time Waits For No One 29. Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters Vic’try Polka 28. Duke Ellington Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Me 27. Bing Crosby Amor, Amor *26. Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five 1944 Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t (Ma’ Baby) 25. Dooley Wilson As Time Goes By 24. Frank Sinatra A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening 23. Bing Crosby 1944 San Fernando Valley (his original #1 version) 22. Merry Macs Mairzy Doates 21. Lale Andersen Lied eines jungen Wachtposten (Lili Marlen) 20. Dick Haymes & Helen Forrest 1944 Together. 19. Stan Kenton 1944 Artistry In Rhythm (instrumental) 18. Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five 1944 G I Jive (his original #1 version). 17. Judy Garland The Trolley Song 16. Harry James 1944 I’ll Get By (Dick Haymes, vocal, their original #1 version). 15. Nat King Cole 1944 Straighten Up And Fly Right (his original Trio version) 14. The Andrews Sisters Shoo-Shoo Baby 13. Guy Lombardo 1944 It’s Love-Love-Love (Skip Nelson & trio, voc) (orig #1 version). 12. Glen Gray 1944 My Heart Tells Me (Eugenie Baird, vocal) (the original #1 version). 11. Bing Crosby I Love You 10. Bing Crosby Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra 9. Ink Spots & Ella Fitzgerald 1944 I’m Making Believe (original #1 version). 8. Woody Guthrie nThis Land is Your Land 7. Ella Fitzgerald & The Ink Spots Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall 6. Dinah Shore I’ll Walk Alone 5. The Mills Brothers You Always Hurt the One You Love 4. Jimmy Dorsey 1944 Besame Mucho (Bob Eberly & Kitty Kallen, voc) (orig #1 version). 3. Bing Crosby I’ll Get By 2. Bing Crosby and Andrews Sisters Don’t Fence Me In 1. Bing Crosby Swing on a Star


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