Vic and Sade – Russell Reminisces About The Old Days. 440803

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the aftermath of a wild night of playing 500 with the Stembottoms, Vic and Sade share a little about their evening with their friends. Russell had been out with a group of 8 friends, but enters in a melanchollie mood. While the sleepy Vic does all he can to stay awake, Russel tells about the career moves of his circle of buddies. <br> With the level of mature talk coming from Russell about the life changes of his friends, Sade has to be reminded that his gang are teenagers and not in their 40’s. He remembers those long gone days of the 30’s. Remember those? Yeah, I know it was a long time ago now, but At the time of this recording, they were barely gone for 4 years. <br> Sade humors Russell, but ends up feeling like an old grandmother before it’s all done. She actually lets him go on in great detail without interupptions, or interjecting her own gossip. I guess it’s just because she’s too tired to bother with it. <br>