Dragnet – Big Dare.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On Homicide detail, Joe Friday has to investigate the case of a woman being stabbed to death. <br> In the police station, Joe has a report typed as he and Ben discuss their case. A teenager enters under emotional duress. He recounts finding his mom after returning home from the movies. Did she have any visitors? Was there any family fights? A follow up at Juvenile Hall is in store, and more leads to call on. Fingerprints on the murder weapon may seal the deal. <br> In voiceover, Joe describes the progress of the case. The motive is tough to pin down. Being a young widow, mom seems to have quite the list of gentleman callers to track down. Back in voiceover, Joe tells about the tedium and mundane procedures. Not to mention how investigations can drag out. <br> Interviews continue, and we learn from a friend of Mrs Dixon about a few possible suspects out of her list of boyfriends. Neighbors help provide a timeline. Easy to do since the shouts from the house help place the time. Why would neighbors think the argument ended with nothing to worry about? All that’s left is to go pick up a killer. It still won’t be simple. <br>