Vic and Sade – Sade Asks Vic To Evict Mr Overholt. 440802

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sade has a pressing task for Vic, but it’s one that he doesn’t much care for. He doesn’t want to get involved in other people’s affairs. After over committing herself to help out an acquaintence, the pressure of local society weighs heavy on Sade, and even more so when Vic flatly refuses to help. <br> Russel enters, and when he hears of the eviction, he is perfectly willing to be the heavy to toss out Mrs Harris undesireable tenant. Will he be convincing, or carry much weight in the matter? Though Vic claims to have his own pressing work to do, and storms out to the next room, he eaves drops on Russel and Sade. <br> Sade’s guilt trip appears to wear down Vic, and Russel’s willingness adds up to his change of heart. As Vic is lured back to the room to man up, and help Sade, a phone call comes in. Fortunatley for Vic, the matter has cleared itself up. <br> PS: This is one of those episodes where Russel shines in his attempt to do the manly thing. Though Vic wants to be logical, and keep his distance from a matter that doesn’t concern him, Russell is chomping at the bit to toss his weight around and be the heavy for Sade. Not sure I could imagine Rush in this role, but Russel is great in it. <br>