Lone Ranger – Revenge. 470707.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Hank is thought to have shot his own pa, but he claims it was an accident. His brother doesn’t see it that way though and a rift is torn between them. Years pass, the brothers go their separate ways, and raise their families. Lone Ranger comes on the scene, and talks with a crusty old gent about the family. Suddenly the masked Man is off to take care of business. What could it be about? <br> Hank’s son is in financial trouble, and needs help. That rift between brothers is about to come crashing back down on itself when it turns out to be to the long lost brother who the debt is owed. Things stand to blow up, but with the Lone Ranger on hand there just may be some hope to resolve the longtime sore spot between brothers. <br>