The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Hail and Farewell Caper. ep245, 510427

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sam seems to have picked up a stalker, a timid man who struggles to get up the courage to talk to our hard boiled detective. What’s the life and death situation that has the man so terrified? With only a meager clue from the shabby, and under nourished actor, Sam sets out to get to the bottom of a murder. <br> A trip to San quentin finds Sam interviewing an inmate, Willie Johnson. Is it such a queer thing that the prisoner claims to be innocent? Following up on the set up, Sam is soon on the trail to stop the murder of Willie, if he can. Clues keep coming, but can Sam beat the ticking clock? <br> Finding the clue that made Willie become the fall guy, Sam tries to mobilize the cops to act. Will the legal system spring into action to save an innocent man? Will Sam’s clue be hard enough evidence to stay the execution? The race intensifies to save Willie, and bring the real bad guys to justice. <br> <br>