Vic and Sade – Lolita Di Rienzi’s Suggestion. 440530.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Vic is on cloud nine after being lavishly complimented from a co-worker. He is so thrilled, that he shares a little more than he needed to, and Sade is suspicious. Especially when she figures the complements came from one of the female workers at the plant. <br> Suddenly Vic back pedals, knowing the person behind the compliments will get Sades hackles up. Too late. The trap is sprung, and the more Vic tries to avoid the answers that Sade wants, the more guilty he looks. Part of the flattery involves suggesting that Vic write a series of articles. Sade lets Vic wax poetic on the matter, sharing with Russel on the article content, but you can bet Sade is only biding her time to sink the claws in and mark her territory. <br> Trivia: <br> <br> * Vic’s lunch hour at work is over at 1:00; we certainly can have assumed that but now we know.<br> * “Old Man” Chieferson was seen in the neighborhood. He lives on Oakland Avenue now but apparently used to live on Virginia Avenue or thereabouts. He has a daughter named Louise McDermott.<br> * Lolita works in the boxing department of Consolidated Kitchenware.<br> <br> –Trivia provided by Jimbo, as found at <a href=";utm_medium=twitter&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheCrazyWorldOfVicAndSade+%28The+Crazy+World+of+Vic+and+Sade%29">the Crazy World of vic and Sade. </a> <br>