Father Knows Best – Missing Furniture. ep64 510111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Fortune sometimes comes and goes. Today it is about to change for the Anderson family. Jim and Margret argue, the kids bicker, it just never seems to stop. When dad gives in to mom, is it prime time for the kids to ask for new furniture? Will anybody ever let Kathy tell one of her old jokes? <br> A sweet deal over the radio motivates Jim to send the old furniture away, and win new stuff in the radio contest. Those movers who just hauled away the furniture were from the radio station… right? I think Kathy has a riddle that dad can’t answer. <br> At least with the furniture gone, the house looks more roomy. Should they call their insurance company? The police? With the hour growing later, where will sleepy kids sleep? Will it do to phone moving companies in town? The kids who had been complaining about their beds, and furnishings aren’t as keen on roughing it without beds as dad is.<br><br> Fortunately, the moving mix up has a way of solving itself. Sort of…. Jim has one last twist of fortune with the jovial mover. <br> <br>