Greatest Story Ever Told – The House Of Darkness (AFRS). ep94, 490116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A woman grieves to another about the loss of her son. She’ll do anything to see him again, even trying to bring him back if she could. The distraught Rebecca goes to a medium to commune with her dead son. Will it bring him back, even in a small way? Will the encounter bring comfort, or more turmoil? <br> Will a visit from the Master be welcomed in Rebecca’s house? Her faithful servant begs her to let the men be their guests. Can a word from the Master soften Rebecca’s heart, and comfort the servant, despite the rejection of him? The grieving woman has forbidden men, because the male presence reminds her too much of her loss. When a child is orphaned, will she also reject the chance to raise it to fill the gap of her lost boy? <br> The servant, Sarah, takes in Rhoda herself, but cautions the girl not to enter the areas of the house where the embittered woman lives. It doesn’t mean that Rebecca is unaware of the girl, but she seems resentful of the girl and just being a kid. Will bitterness ever be lightened? Will the overbearing resentment ever be removed? Will words of the Master ever break through the grief to let go of the dead? <br>