Lum and Abner – How Mousey Was Wounded. 430708

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is good, but a touch fast. <br> Curiosity has been growing over Mousey’s war wound. Even reading from his secret diary hasn’t revealed any clues. Lum and Abner talk about the way their hero of a friend has resorted to slaving away doing the house work. Maybe they can draw him away from his woman’s work and put him to use in their war bond drives? <br> Grandpap enters and still doing both telegram delivery, and picture painting. His latest job involves painting a beef roast,, so people can remember what one looks like. The gents offer Mousey a job, and have him respond to a questionnaire with questions aimed at finding out more about his war wound on his leg. <br> The gents chomp at the bit as Mousey jots down his answer. As their friend returns home to talk to his wife about the new job, Abner can hardly wait to read the result. What does Mousey have to say about his injury? <br> <br>