Philip Marlowe – The Fox’s Tail. ep85, 500523

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Responding to a call to meet a client in the local dive, the Blue Chip, Marlowe is to pose as a man who is targeted for death. How will this help protect the man, and won’t that mean that Philip may end up being dead himself? Despite the danger, its right up Marlowe’s alley. <br> It doesn’t take long before Marlowe finds the man has already committed suicide, and a roving thug ends up with a thump on the head from Marlowe, and tucked away in a tool crib. The goal is to keep the suicide a secret for as long as possible, as leverage to win a cash settlement in a legal case, but when the wife of the dead man shows up, that could be hard to do. Going into battle damage control, Marlowe goes to ensure the lid is kept on his thug, but he only finds that the body count has risen. <br> Sharing what he knows thus far with his client, secrets burst to the surface, as twists to the story emerge. New threats to Marlowe’s life kick it up a notch, and our hard boiled detective will need to think fast if he wants to stay alive to share yet another insightful and sentimental epilog to the show. <br> <br>