Buck Rogers – Chase After Killer Kane, part 4. 1939.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The adventures of Buck Rogers have taken us deep into outer space. Previously Wilma and Doc were in the clutches of Kane on the moon of Saturn. By the time we visit for today’s adventure, our heros have been reunited and are flying in the vicinity of Pluto. <br> As Buck keeps on the rocket trail of Kane, he talks with Wilma and doc about the strange space birds they see outside. Our heros are gaining on Kane, but it will be important to catch him before he reaches the black asteroids. Buck radios Kane and tries to bluff him. Kane’s not going for it though. Is there anyway for the two identical ships to make any progress on each other? Both pilots use all the tricks they have up their sleeves as they play cat and mouse through the far reaches of the solar system. <br> Which pilot will win? Buck finds himself in danger when the heat is turned up in his rocket cabin, and Kane seems to be gaining an upper hand.<br>