Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – The Store Is Divided Again. 450502 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Audio is good, but draggy in spots. Dick visits the Jot Em Down store to find calendars lined up on the floor instead of the rope. The gents aren’t on speaking terms, and now it’s Abner who is carrying the grudge, while Lum wants to make amends. Will there be a new name for each partners half of the store? Lum tells about disgruntled Ezra Seastrunk, who wanted to buy shoes that were on Abner’s side of the store. Dick learns that Abner is busily counting the feed room, to be sure it is divided equally. As Dick and Lum talk, the news that Miss Emiline was spotted leaving town on the bus upsets Lum. Is she leaving him because she found out he was broke? Abner enters and we learn the phone is on the line. Lum can talk into it, but it takes Abner to listen. Will the order from Miss Simpson go without a hitch? Note: This episode marks a shift in the story arc. the romance of Miss Emiline gets dropped, but the feud in the store is cut short by the beginnings of a new story. both the romance, and the upcoming stories are rewritten from older stories from a few years earlier. reusing old scripts is nothing new, and other shows did the same. sometimes it was a popular story, and the script is unchanged, and could appear in the same show, or in a different one, especially in something like an anthology series. for others, like Lum and Abner, after a few years of a daily grind, some folks may have forgotten the earlier airing of the story, or new listeners may be tuned in who missed it before. Chet Lauck and Tuffy Goff always rewrote their repeated scripts, sometimes to punch it up a bit, or to account for character changes in the program. I think their rewritten scripts show better writing, and are funnier than the first go round,

 Mr and Mrs North – Deadly Innocent. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:27

Evelyn is a disabled woman who is friends with Pam North. Though Jerry is tired at the end of his day, Pam insists they visit their friend. There’s something wrong that Pam can’t put her finger on quite yet. Walt is Evelyn’s husband, and a niece is staying with them. Lola is a mixed up gal. Actually she seems to be mentally unstable, and has a death wish. In her self destructive spiral, she does what she can to take as many people down with her as possible. Her weird outlook on what’s right ends up in murder, suicide and more. The Norths may not be able to stop the tragedy, but can they see that justice gets done?

 Jack Benny – Jack Catches Cold at Don’s House. ep388, 401201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Don regrets to inform us that Jack has a cold that he got while visiting his house. We then fade into the scene where Jack is being nursed to health by Rochester. Mary Livingstone gives Jack a hard time for being at fault in catching his cold. Dennis Day enters to learn about the omelet home remedy that Mary plastered to Jack’s chest. After a distraction, Dennis sings, A Nightingale Sang in Barclay Square. The dozing Jack is awakened when his cigars are about to be swiped. He and Rochester talk about their crazy boarder, Mr Billingsley, then Phil Harris enters to tease Jack about his taste in women. As the gang wait for the doctor, Mr Billingsley hunts for his cloud under Jack’s bed. Is that guy crazy. Or scary? Let’s just say, he has Rochester scared white. Phil Harris plays, Isn’t That Just Like Love? The gang get a visit from Don Wilson. Will his apology mend the rift between him and Jack? Frank Nelson arrives as the doctor, as Don storms out. His remedies may not be any better than Mary’s, but just as corny. The gang steps out to let Jack rest, and he dreams of being held up last week.

 Stan Freeberg – All About Werewolves. ep13, 571006 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

Billy May kicks off with a rousing rendition of, Coctails for Two. Vocals provided by the Rhythmaires. A panel of circus people talk with Stan. What might be done to improve attendance at the circus? Peggy Taylor sings, The Angels Sing. Stan takes a look at a composite of movie genres. A regular, run of the mill werewolf tells his story of how he turns into an advertising executive when the sun is out. How did this tragic tale come about? How will the werewolf in the gray flannel suit perform in the world of advertising? By day the werewolf rises to the top of the advertising biz on his cliches alone. Will the dog eat dog world of sales bring out the beast in him? Will the love of his girlfriend tame his savage beast?

 Phil Harris – Will Benny Renew Phil’s Contract. ep24, 470309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

Visiting the end of the Jack Benny show, Frankie meets fill in the hallway, with a heads up about renewing the contract for next season. Will there be any problems for Phil? Jack agrees to meet Bill at his house to iron out details. Phil sings, That Was Where the Blues Began in New Orleans. At home, Alice answers the door to find that Julius has got himself all spruced up for her. Even more, he has bought all the varieties of the sponsor product he could, so he will smell nice for her. When Phil gets home he and Alice wonder whether Phil’s job could be in danger. What does he do on Jack’s show anyway? Can they play on Jack’s sympathies? Phil is faithful to his boss, and willing to take less money. Alice sings, April Showers. Jack arrives, but gets the names of the girls wrong. They are both girls, right? When little Phylis and Alice encounter Jack, they have their own doubts, but manage to squeeze a quarter out of him. Frankie pops in to let Phil know that Jack doesn’t want to lose him, and to hold out for more money. Twists in the bargaining process get complicated when Alice does her partrt to plead for Phil’s job. Who will end up on top in the wheeling and dealing?

 World Adventurers Club – The Elephants Graveyard. ep13, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:10

Excellent audio quality. A traveller recounts how he witnessed the fabled elephant graveyard and why he can never see it again. The expedition comes to an end when the superstitious natives abandon the explorer, and earthquakes bury the ivory inn the elephant graveyard.

 Yours Truley Johnny Dollar – The Perikoff Policy (Premier). ep1, 490218. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:57

Johnny Dollar, freelance insurance investigator relates his latest adventure as he recounts his expenses along the way. Johnny arrives at his hotel, only to find that he has already checked in. Through a little sneakiness of his own, he barges in on the imposter. Johnny came to town to investigate a murder and this man is the defense lawyer for the prime suspect. As it turns out, both men want to tsee the man keep from taking the fall for the crime. The lawyer shares what he knows about the case. Johnny goes to the home of the dead man to talk with the surviving widow. What can he hope to learn? A story of an older husband, a younger wife, and a jealous situation emerges. Johnny leaves, but is roughed up with a warning to leave the case alone. The cops and the prosecutor are being tight lipped with Johnny, but going on the defense information, he continues to investigate. Johnny smells a rat, and certain parties blowing a lot of smoke his way. Why would they do that? The clues are all there, and Johnny knows who did it. All that’s left is to confront the killer, and expose their plan. There’s a struggle, gunshots, and the cops are called out to nab the real killers, accessories, and those who try to defraud Johnny Dollar.

 Lum and Abner – Dick Tries To Be A Peacemaker. 450501 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Over in Dick Huddelstgon’s store, Lum chacks on his mail. The misunderstanding between the gents mean that Abner didn’t come to work, and Lum is fine with that. As Dick tries to make peace, Lum insists on not wanting anything to do with his old pal. A phone call from Squire finds him still under the weather, but out of the hospital. Is he calling to foreclose? If that don’t beat the bugs a fighting! abner went and paid off all the mortgages. Will the news soften Lum’s heart towards Abner a little? Dick offers a listening ear, and the voice of reason, as Lum talks out his antics of expensive promises. Is he seeing the terrible things he has thought and said in a new light? He gets his big chance to make amends when Abner pops in. But has his words done too much damage to get Abner to forgive him?

 Abbott and Costello – Incorrigible. 461003 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

A new season, and the opening credits are slightly different. New cast members, and musical talent that features bandleader and singer Skinny Ennis, and Marilyn Maxwell. Lou tries to talk with Bud, but Abbott is upset over Lou’s manners. Topics of their conversation include Summer vacation, women, and having no class. As part of the comedy bit, Bud introduces the new cast including Skinny Ennis and Marilyn Maxwell. Skinny gets in a few lines as he battles wits with Lou. Skinny sings, Five Minutes More. Bud is still upset with Lou, but Costello tries to make up as he lays on a guilt trip. He talks about his family life, dogs, horses, and more. Marilyn enters to chat with Lou, then she sings, I Got the Sun in the Morning. Skinny and Marilyn give Lou a hard time as he is accused of being incorrigible. While trying to find the word in the dictionary, he falls asleep, and dreams. Lou has to give an account of all the good and bad things he has done in his life. Will his friends be able to give a good enough testimony to bail him out?

 Dragnet – Big Honeymoon. ep139, 520207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:33

Opening credits are missing. Homicide detail. A wealthy spinster ends up dead, and its up to Joe Friday to put an end to a marriage scam. Joe Friday and partner, Ed Jacobs, are on the job, and interview Miss Wagner in the funeral home to learn about her sister, Dorothy. The spinster tells about the romance that came to her 42 year old sister. She had a healthy portion of the family estate, did something go wrong in the courtship to cause her to take her own life? What kind of a man is Reynolds? In voiceover, Joe tells that the criminal is new to him, but the marriage racket is an old one. Not much is found from the crime lab, until handwriting experts connect Reynolds to other marriage scams. Can Joe warn the string of women to watch out? Hitting the night scene, Joe and Ed interview nightclub workers, but Reynolds is laying low. . An interview with another jilted woman adds to the mode of operation of our crook. Other aliases have been uncovered, and the scammer has managed to stay a few steps ahead of the cops. A woman is caught writing rubber checks as the next target of the scammer, and works with the cops to locate Reynolds. The man denies all, until the trail of jilted women gather to point the finger at him.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Tells Dick About The Diamond. 450430 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Lum tells all to Dick Huddleston about Abner having the diamond that was thought to be lost. Receipts prove he sold it, and spent the money to pay off bills. Is he smarter than Lum ever gave him credit for? Lum knows the reasons, but don’t want to hear them. He was counting on giving the ring to his girlfriend, Miss Emiline. A phone call finds Lum still bragging on keeping his expensive promises to his girlfriend. When Lum steps out the back way of Dicks store to avoid Abner, the secrets are confirmed when Dick and Abner talk. How did Abner get the lost diamond? Why didn’t he just come clean about the sale, and how much he got for the gem? It was all done to stop Lum’s big ideas once he has a big pile of money. Not that he needs money to have big ideas. A fact that is confirmed when Abner phones Miss Emiline.

 Suspense – The Kettler Method. ep12, 420916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:11

Produced by William Spear. After four solid days of rain, the staff of a sanitorium talk about Dr Kettler, who has an unbalanced mind after a failed surgery. Kettler insists his patient, Benham, is still alive. The overworked staff find an emergency on hand that takes them out of the picture, and Kettler is in charge. With 3 more days of rain, Clair and Les arrive to treat her headaches. A giant of an attendant keeps Kettler in charge. Les and Clair meet a patient, but is he delusional, or is he a concert pianist? what’s that strange knocking? Lies from the doctor put Clair in a dangerous spot, and separate her from Les. . Finding the real doctors, Les comes up with a plan to rescue Clair. It’s a far fetched move, one requiring he bandage himself to pose as Benham. The crazy plot is one that could only work on a delusional doctor.

 Mr and Mrs North – Sylvia Fleming Murdered (Partial). ep19, 430505 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:53

Or, Pam And The Orange Scarf When Silvia is found murdered, her roommate goes to the Norths for help. She’s afraid of going to the police for fear of being blamed. There’s some unusual doings when the cops get involved, and the body has a habit of disappearing. Then, suddenly the audio does it’s own disappearing act.

 Lum and Abner – The Meaning Of The United Nations. 450426 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The gents get their cat whisker radio turned on, and have to share the headset on the old fashioned radio set. They want to listen to the conference out there in San Fransisco about the United Nations. Grandpap joins in to discuss the delegates. Does Cedric know anything about making radios work? If they can’t get theirs going they may need to go down to the barber shop, as long as the crowd isn’t too bad. Cedric and Grandpap continue to discuss the importance of the conference, and Lum reads from a newspaper article about it. It would be sad if the gents missed the conference, just like grandpap’s friend Orlo missed his, years ago. Will their absence hinder the advancement of world peace? Probably not, but they want to tune in the milestone in current events to feel like they’re part of it. Lum waxes eloquent and delivers his own serious appeal to end the war, and return to peace.

 World Adventurers Club – Norway’s Luck. ep12, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:54

Excellent ausdio quality. Engineers at a remote site inn Norway survey the possibilities of a railroad line. An approaching storm finds the two engineers cut off, and facing being frozen to death. Near death, the one remaining conscious is aided by a vision of an old lady on a reindeer.


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