Lum and Abner – The Meaning Of The United Nations. 450426

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The gents get their cat whisker radio turned on, and have to share the headset on the old fashioned radio set. They want to listen to the conference out there in San Fransisco about the United Nations. Grandpap joins in to discuss the delegates. Does Cedric know anything about making radios work? If they can’t get theirs going they may need to go down to the barber shop, as long as the crowd isn’t too bad. <br> Cedric and Grandpap continue to discuss the importance of the conference, and Lum reads from a newspaper article about it. It would be sad if the gents missed the conference, just like grandpap’s friend Orlo missed his, years ago. <br> Will their absence hinder the advancement of world peace? Probably not, but they want to tune in the milestone in current events to feel like they’re part of it. <br> Lum waxes eloquent and delivers his own serious appeal to end the war, and return to peace. <br>