Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Suspense – Lord Of The Witch Doctors. ep15, 421027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

The natives are restless along the African coast, on the island of Zanzabar. A popular witch doctor has been on the move to incite the tribes. British officials try to calm the matter, but will the diplomacy do any good against superstition, and dangers from the jungle? Might the good Germans, and Dr Schmidt be up to something? The situation comes to a head, and gets even more dire when the famous witch doctor arrives. He turns out to be a Cockney faker who has been impressing the natives with his sleight of hand tricks. His kind of magic is soon put to the test when a lion has a tribal leader trapped, and the lives of all the white men are in the balance. . What would a good story be if the twists didn’t keep on coming? German spies, selling guns to arm the natives, a gunboat in the harbor, and more. What strategic use is the forsaken mud heap of a village is this to the war effort? To get out of his touchy predicament, the British diplomat has to think fast to overthrow his German agents, and diffuse the native situation.

 Mr and Mrs North – No Vacation From Murder. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:03

To get away from life in the big city, Pam and Jerry decide to take an island vacation. The only other people on the island are a couple in the only other cabin on their island. A story of a love triangle emerges. A engaged man meets a French war widow, and decides to dump his fiancee. When he is found dead in the cabin, a business partner with plenty of motive comes on the scene. The Norths find him seemingly stranded in his boat. But is he coming to the island, or leaving it? While we wait for the cops to arrive, Jerry brings out all the players and their reasons for the murder, but an unusual bluff from Pam ties the knot that wraps up this case for good.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Wants To Put Robert To Work. 450515 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner has exciting news for Lum. He figured out that their robot can lift heavy sacks of feed better than any one human. Lum has been studying up on the diagram that Dr Drill left, and has concluded that the robot is a working machine, and its name isn’t Robert. Why can’t they keep on calling him Robert? And why can’t they put him to work on all the mundane chores around the store? Lum is afraid of the reaction Robert might get from folks in town. They might also run into government regulations over putting the mechanical man to work. Not to mention child labor laws. Robert is shiny and new. He can’t be more than a year old. When Cedric enters, he brings a letter from Dr Drill. The inventor is oN the way to reclaim the box left in their safe keeping. How will Cedric react to Robert? Abner puts the robot through its paces, but he still needs to learn how to use the remote control. Lets hope Abner doesn’t get too carried away.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Finding Old Love Letters. 411021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:07

Molly is busy with cleaning house, but Fibber isn’t so motivated to get rid of the junk. Old Timer pops inwith a poem, a joke, and a telegram. What’s the important family news about? Molly has her own distraction with some old scented love letters that she finds. Did Fibber actually write all those gushy words>? The embarrassed Fibber hides in the hall closet after the expected avalanche of junk. The Kingsmen sing, Little Brown Jug. Fibber is ready for some refreshment, but the reading of the love letters transitions into a visit, and commercial from Harlowe Wilcox. What kind of love letters does Harlowe get? The McGees get confused over a series of words as Fibber complains over the love letters. On the phone, Fibber chats with Mirt about her little brother. Abigail Uppington knocks at the door with a matter of love concerning her little dog, FeeFee. Will she have anything to add when she hears a few lines of Molly’s old letters? Martha Tilton sings, Baiou Baio. Wallace Wimple pops in with a word on his sentimental relationship to his big old wife, Sweetie Face. Or lack of it. Mayor Latrivia even enters for a quick word on the letters. Why has Molly and Fibber suddenly flipped sides on their ideas of the love letters? Will Fibber ever get his root beer?

 Jack Benny – Jack Has A Body Guard. ep390, 401215 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

In New York, Jack beats around the bush about admitting who he just starred with in his latest film. To make sure nothing gets out of hand, Jack has hired Killer Hogan as a bodyguard. The man isn’t too much for Mary to handle. When the cast talk about how great Ed Winn is, jealousy creeps back in. Dennis Day arrives to do his own damage to Hogan. after an interruption, Dennis sings, There I go. Phil Harris arrives to tell about his sight seeing in town. Should the bodyguard give him the old one, two? Jacks doctor has followed him from Hollywood, but it isn’t Frank Nelson this week. What has happened to Rochester? Phil plays, So you’re the One. Mayor Bitey Walcott, of Waukegan gets past the bodyguard to joke about old times. Jack has to play some phone tag, to try tracking down Rochester in a local hotel. Will he be successful?

 Stan Freeberg – Last Show, The Best Of. ep15, 571020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:28

After the input from listeners, Stann recreates some of the most popular moments in the short run of the show. The musical sheep from the first episode are brought back. OK, well not the sheep, but their enthusiastic handler. The network censor lets Stan know that he’s on hand to interupt at moments that might be inappropriate. Peggy Taylor sings, The Birth of the Blues. The Western drama of Bang Gunley, US Marshall and his high impact action makes a return. Stan sings his popular, Banana Boat Song. The Lawrence Welk impersonator is back to wish Stan off the air, and play a quick medley on his accordian. Even the Abominable Snowman makes a final appearance

 Lum and Abner – Assembling Robert The Robot. 450510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Grandpap and Abner work to assemble what they think is a large, iron dol. Why would someone go to such length to invent an iron doll? As they work, Abner thinks they ought to come up with a name for the doll, until grandpap points out it already has a name. Transposing the name that Dr Drill put on the box, the gents call the robot, Robert. Lum isn’t pleased with the idea of putting Robert together, and insists that the iron man be taken apart. Still, Lum notices there’s something wrong in Abner’s workmanship, and sets about to put Robert’s arms on the right way. They aren’t suppose to bend backwards like that. What else is missing? Lum has Abner dig through the crate to look for missing parts. A little radio, with buttons gets Roberts eyes to light up. Can Lum figure out what else it does, before Robert tears the store down?

 Phil Harris – Selling the House. ep39, 471019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

After being told he is now a stockholder in his sponsor, Phil has gone crazy in buying luxuries for Alice. Not only Furs, and jewelry for her, but even strapless evening gowns for the girls to wear to school. He made arrangements to sell the house to buy a better one, but Alice puts a stop to it. Can the bookings the realtor be stopped so easily? The flood of potential buyers starts with Frank Nelson. Alice thinks he’s the plumber she called to fix the sink, but Phil has to scramble to run interference on him. Will he do so well with the sultry dame who comes calling next? Phil sings, You’ve Gone and Hurt My Pride. Alice is getting suspicious of the way Phil jumps to answer the door. Is she buying his excuses about why the parade of strangers keep coming? Frankie shows up, and isn’t happy about the way Phil has been treating him. Does the abuse in running errands make him qualified to offer marital advice? Phil has to come clean with Alice about the crowd of strangers. Julius arrives to express his undying love for Alice, and comment on the oversized sandbox in the back yard. The day finally nears an end, and things settle down. As dodo the flood of jokes, and strangers to bring them.

 World Adventurers Club – The Living Shroud. ep14, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:28

Excellent audio quality. A jungle safari goes wrong when a lost altar to cannibal ants is found. Actually, the ants are not cannibals. They’re flesh eaters. if they were cannibals, they would eat each other, not people. Our explorers face death unless they can fend off both the natives and the swarm of approaching ants. Has the right decisions been made in the unforgiving law of the jungle?

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Slow Boat from China. epp3, 490225. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:19

Johnny Dollar’s latest insurance claim investigation takes him to San Fransisco. The trip isn’t quite over when he finds himself with a ticket to fly to Singapore. A shipment of cargo has been delayed, and the ship shows signs of sabotage. Johnny is descriptive of the exotic city as he arrives in Singapore, and finds that his contact is missing, and his hotel room roughed up. Johnny checks out the hotel bar to poke around for details. The trail leads to the waterfront, the police, and the morgue. The body he finds makes him think that he found the source of the sabotage, and delay. It also leads him to a girl, and the source of some potential secrets to expose. Will she know where the missing contact, Harrison is located? Watch out for danger Johnny, I’ll bet it strikes right after the mid show commercial. Sure enough, the mysterious gal has turned Johnny over to a couple local thugs, bent on roughing him up. The wisecracking Johnny Dollar takes the beating, and wakens in a room with the missing Harrison. There’s a mystery package at the heart of the matter, and the reason why the cargo is being delayed. What is it and why is it so important? Johnny doesn’t care about the package, only in getting his ship out of port in time, but should he be worrying? Using his wits, he escapes from the thugs, and makes a bee line for where he knows the package to be. In a suspenseful moment, the secret of the package, and the authorities who are looking for it are connected. Another mystery happily solved, and another insurance claim salvaged by Johnny Dollar.

 Dragnet – Big Producer. ep141, 520221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Juvenile division. A steady stream of illicit material is targeting local teenagers. Its up to Joe Friday to put a stop to it. Reporting to a basement locker room in a local high school, Joe and Ed find a couple of joke books in Steve’s locker. What’s wrong with joke books? Why bother Steve, when all the other kids have them? Lets just say they don’t only have jokes in them, but lewd pictures, and Steve is the dealer to all the other kids. The next problem is for Joe to find Steve’s source, and stop it. Steve tells about a couple of adults who have invited him, and his girlfriend to adult parties. The 17 year old gives full descriptions of the men, and their operation. before the cops pick up Charlie, he gets away. Taking a policewoman with them, the cops go to interview the girls involved. They tell how they expected help in getting modeling jobs. Parents of the teens are brought into the loop, and in Joe’s voiceover, they are described as being cooperative, and admit their mistakes in not supervising their kids well enough. The cops catch up to Charlie. In his Westside studio, once a prominent studio, but is now in disrepair, the “has been” producer has some explaining to do over those joke books found in his car. Though he tries to throw his old movie mogul weight around, the cops are not impressed. What has made him move from making fine pictures, to preying on teenagers?

 Lum and Abner – More On Contents Of The Box. 450509 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After opening the box, Lum tries to get in touch with the town Marshall. He’s out of town, and left the jail in the care of Willie DeBoozler. Should Lum start a dragnet to find a mysterious doctor? Will it be up to Abner to continue exploring the contents of the box? Lum has trouble reading lines, and flames his reading spectacles, for not talking well. Justice and the law can’t wait, and Lum takes it on himself to discover what crime has been committed. Is the stranger who left them the box still on the loose, and near by? When Cedric enters, he is recruited to help with the box. Right after he shares a letter from friends who are in the service, and wanting to get letters from home to keep up morale. Wait, was that a noise from the feed room? Its grandpap,. With the discovery that its not a corpse, butt some kind of big iron doll.

 Suspense – One Hundred in the Dark. ep14, 420930 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:30

A gentle story of suspense. Gentlemen in the club discuss mysteries and come up with one that doesn’t require crime or death to make their point. Does a good detective story demand lots of emotion? Curiosity, cleverness, principles, and other mystery elements are dissected. A high society girl puts on a party for a few friends. A couple on the brink of separation, a gambler, those caught up in affairs, or in desperate ways. The party begins,. And in the corse of the merriment, the hostess finds some of her jewelry missing. Who is most likely to have taken it? How will she go about getting the valuable prize back? Acting fast,. She secures her studio apartment, and comes up with a plan to both get her jewelry back and save face for the culprit. The suspenseful moment comes in when she turns out the lights, and counts. That’s right. She counts to 100 in the dark. But wait. Will she need to call the police for official action? And who exactly did it, and why? Are those questions really so important? The imp0ortant thing is whether she got the jewelry back.

 Mr and Mrs North – The Letter. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:04

A friend of the North’s has been taken to court based on stolen goods in his possession that led to a murder to cover it up. Or so it seems. A key piece of evidence that can clear the man is a letter that shifts blame to a big time gangster, and the person holding the letter is a blackmailer. The smooth talking blackmailer is looking for top dollar, and doesn’t care if he turns the letter over to the North’s or to the gangster. Pam and Jerry manage to outbid the mobster, but now he’s out to kill them. One turn around comes after another as the gangster tries to get the letter back by force, the blackmailer is smart enough to keep his original letter in a safe place. Pam is inspired by a strategy found in a Sherlock Holmes story, but has the bad guys also read the same story? Is there any hope of getting that letter without paying for it, bringing the gangster to justice, and foiling the blackmailer? It’ll take both Pam and Jerry working together to bring this mess to an end.

 Lum and Abner – Lum And Abner Open The Box. 450508 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner explains the situation about the box to grandpap, as best as he can. Thinking it is more dangerous than expected, the gents had Cedric to haul it outside After reading an article. Later. the gents felt it was safe enough to return it inside, and store in the feed room. Taking his promise serious to not open it, Abner figures that grandpap ought to be OK to open the box.. he wasn’t part of the oath to secrecy. Hey, it looks like someone has already pried out some nails. Hearing a noise, Abner finds Lum hiding. It was him who tampered with the box. Should they continue opening it? Is it their duty in safekeeping to know its secrets? As the two get the lid loose, Abner becomes terrified. Have they discovered a body inside


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