Lum and Abner – Assembling Robert The Robot. 450510

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Grandpap and Abner work to assemble what they think is a large, iron dol. Why would someone go to such length to invent an iron doll? As they work, Abner thinks they ought to come up with a name for the doll, until grandpap points out it already has a name. Transposing the name that Dr Drill put on the box, the gents call the robot, Robert. <br> Lum isn’t pleased with the idea of putting Robert together, and insists that the iron man be taken apart. Still, Lum notices there’s something wrong in Abner’s workmanship, and sets about to put Robert’s arms on the right way. They aren’t suppose to bend backwards like that. <br> What else is missing? Lum has Abner dig through the crate to look for missing parts. A little radio, with buttons gets Roberts eyes to light up. Can Lum figure out what else it does, before Robert tears the store down? <br>