Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Great Gildersleeve – New Years Eve At Home. ep191, 451230 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

All week long after Christmas, Gildersleeve has had to put up with noise from Leroy, and his new drum set. Since Marjorie cooperated in the Christmas tradition to stay home, will Gildy let her go out with friends for the New Year celebrations? After interruptions, Gildy has finally tallied up the bills, and found the family to be broke. Will Gildy be facing the new year alone? All his friends seem to be busy. Can he entice his family to give up plans, and stay home with him? Will his party favors win out over the lure of a nightclub? The hours linger on, but the situation for Gildy is unchanged. It looks like his only company is Leroy, especially when Birdie heads out to her own party. Peavy stops in with a token gift for his pal. Might Mrs Peavy like to come over for a quiet night at home? Well now, I wouldn’t count on that. Melancholie sets in as Gildy feels the weight of being alone. The radio reports on the new year coming to Times Square. Visitors begin trickling in when judge Hooker arrives. The old friends lay on the compliments to help build one another up.

 Mr and Mrs North – Touch Of Death. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:51

Jerry has been away on business, and to keep herself busy Pam has been taking fencing lessons. Her fencing instructor was a world class sportsman in his younger days, but now is mentor and trainer to a promising young man. A twisted tale of blackmail unfolds. What hold does the woman known as the Duchess have on the young man? His misplaced loyalties and pride only draw him deeper into a losing situation of murder. His old mentor and trainer may be past his prime, but he still holds a lesson in bravery and loyalty at the end.

 Dragnet – Big Fire. ep144, 520313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

Homicide Detail. A complaint about an apartment owner who threatens his tenants if they move in gets the attention of Joe Friday. Joined by partner, Ed Jacobs,, Joe Friday interviews a housewife in the auto court. Pete Cameron has a good job at the airplane factory, but with housing shortages, they’re doing the best they can. Mrs Cameron tells about being turned away from an apartment at gun point. The cops visit the apartment owner to warn him of his responsibility as a gun owner, and see why the Cameron’s lease can’t be honored. Daniels faces jail time, and the cops continue checking with neighbors to get more sides of the story. Is Daniels known to be violent, or have a bad temper? The main problem in the freshly cleaned apartment building seems to be all the rags, painters gear, and the odor of chemical fumes. Joe Friday stakes the apartments out, and shares the mundane procedure taken thus far. Daniels admits his other apartment building that burned also had kerosene, and other debris laying in around. Can Joe and Ed prevent another arson? Oliver Randal is picked up, and questioned about his employer, Daniels, and being instructed to start fires. The dim witted employee leads the cops to Daniels, and he confesses why he burned down the new construction sites.

 The Adventures Of Frank Race – The Adventure Of The Mormon Country . 491023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:54

Meeting with Bruce, an insurance adjuster, Frank Race is hired as the go between to pay a ransom for a kidnapped man. Frank isn’t ready to get on board, until he learns he will also be following the money trail to capture the bad guys. The bills in the payoff have all had serial numbers recorded, and Frank soon determines the center of operations for the kidnappers, Salt Lake City. Frank encounters a girl from his past. Cybil was only a scrawny little girl, but has grown up,, been engaged, and in the recent year has broken it off with her fiancee, Kruger. As Frank and his side kick, Mark, drive the winding roads of the off season ski country, gun shots head their way. Failed brakes lands our Heros in the hospital, and in serious condition. In the days after the car crash, the trail has grown cold. Even squeaky clean towns like Salt Lake City have their seamy sides and dives. Its just the kind of place for Frank to pick up on the scent of Cybil, and her old flame. Will the connection lead Frank all the way to the kidnappers? Cybil knows things she isn’t revealing. Is the investigation done when the kidnappers end up dead? Frank smells a rat and won’t stop; until he has the mastermind in hand.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric Finds Robert. 450529 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner gets grandpap updated on the dire situation with the return of Dr Drill, and the box he left in the care of the gents. The doc doesn’t know they got into his box and assembled the mechanical man. What might he say about their snooping? For that matter, what will he say when he hears that his invention is missing? Lum enters with an update on the search for Robert the robot, while grandpap interrupts with his own style of distractions. Using a map, Lum tries to plot likely locations of Robert. Abner is confused at first, but begins to see how Robert could only walk in straight lines. The robot couldn’t adjust for bends in the road. A call is made for Cedric to hunt in the ditches in the road where Robert was last seen. Will it pay off? Not only the robot is found, but something else.

 Bob Hope – Camp Borden, Canada . ep232, 440919 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:14

Bob “Camp Borden Canada” Hope shares jokes about slow trains, passports, receptions, and more. Skinny Ennis sings, Swinging on A Star. Bob and Skinny joke about the USA recently joining the war in Europe, then Francis Langford joins the fun for jokes on dating. Jerry Colonna arrives for his typical nonsense on traveling over Niagra Falls in a barrel. Skinny Ennis plays some swinging dance tunes. Francis Langford is on hand to hear about Jerry, and his Niagra Falls trip. Newly weds, marriage, and tourism are some of the topics. Francis sings, It Could Happen to You. The band plays more traveling music. Bob is joined by a vet to remember the days they spent in air raids together in London. They joke about Bob’s book,. And turn to a sketch about sharing a fox hole amidst of falling bombz. Skinny Ennis sings,. Date With An Angel.

 Charlie Chan – The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus. 1946. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:14

Charlie and #1 son are helping to plan for the annual police Christmas party. Carols are sung at the piano. The party takes a less than festive turn when a man in a santa suit is found dead. Charlie gets busy with checking on clues, and is soon on the trail of his suspects. A dark colored van is a major clue, but it seems to have vanished. As Charlie and #1 son move in, a man with a sinister voice fills them in on motives for the killing. With some decisive action from Charlie, the bad guy is taken down, and the party can resume.

 Lum and Abner – Robert Is Gone. 450528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

When Robert the robot was last seen, he made a left turn and was out of sight before Cedric could catch up to him. Was it Abner’s fault in using the remote conterol? Abner thinks the mechanical man just decided to run away. How did Robert escape being seen by Cedric, or any of the residents in the area? The gents and Cedric try to figure it out, and grieve over their loss. Robert had become like a mother to them. Their worries turn to another kind of worry, when they think of what Dr Drill will say when he returns for his invention. Lum is concerned that Robert is running amok, and will tear up half the countryside. Just as Lum fears for the citizens of Pine Ridge, grandpap enters With a message. Dr Drill is coming to take back his box that he left for safekeeping.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Christmas. Skitch Henderson and the Charioteers. ep11, 461225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:06

Playlist: * Adeste Fideles, O Come All Ye Faithful. (Bing Crosby, and audience) * The Christmas Song, (Bing Crosby) * Jingle Bells. (Bing, Skitch, Rhythmaires, and the Charioteers) * White Christmas. (Bing Crosby) * A drama of an old Mexican burro. Bing helps Pablo understand his stubborn donkey, and the important role his ancestor played in a Christmas long ago. The small donkey is sold from being the beast of burden of a wood chopper, to another job that requires less of a load. * Silent Night. (Bing Crosby)

 Ozzie and Harriet – Ricky’s Third Prize in School. ep97, 461208 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:30

As Harriet Nelson gets her little family ready for school, Ozzie frets that young Ricky may have been given too much attention over his drawing. Should it be a competition for kids to be smarter than one another?how do the Nelson kids stack up to the neighbor kids? Gloria the maid is nowhere to be found, but she shows up long enough to alert suspicions that David might be planning to run away. What’s a good parent to do? Eavesdrop on the kids, of course. All signs keep pointing to a run away. Is it really over heaping on the praise for a their prize drawing? After consulting neighbor girl, Emmy Lou, who has been spying on the Nelsons while in a tree. Ozzie decides to butter David up. Build his confidence, shower him with praises, and cookies. With all the attention, have the Nelsons kept David from running away? What was his real reason for hitting the road?

 V-Disc 502 A And B Toscanini And The NBC Symphony Orchestra Nutcracker Suite Part 3 And 4. 450900 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:23

The final 10 minutes of the classic Christmas favorite. Cue it up with V-Disc 501 for the complete Nutcracker Suite.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Loses Control. 450524 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lum is in Dick Huddleston’s store to tell him all about the new delivery boy. Everybody is calling in for grocery orders, just to see the mechanical man in action. Why is their expenses going up if they don’t have to pay Robert a wage? Abner is a changed man with the power he has in controlling Robert. Abner the master has been standing up to folks, namely grandpap who wanted to chop up the robot after a run in with him. Dick gets to witness Abner in action as he guides Robert around town. When Robert has made a wrong turn, Abner doesn’t want to take blame, and thinks the robot is just looking for a place to rest. Cedric keeps reporting in, but no sign of Robert is to be found. Can it get any worse? Abner can’t get his remote control to turn off.

 V-Disc 501 A And B Toscanini And The NBC Symphony Orchestra Nutcracker Suite Part 1 And 2. 450900 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:00

The first 10 minutes of the classic Christmas favorite. Cue it up with V-Disc 502 for the complete Nutcracker Suite.

 Jack Benny – Father Time Rides Again. ep392, 401229 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Turning back the clock, Don shows how the cast celebrated Christmas on the train on the way home from New York. Rochester sings as he decorates, and jokes with Jack about Dennis Day. Mary Livingstone has word that the train staff isn’t willing to cooperate with Jack’s demands. back in the present, Dennis Day is in the studio to sing, And Now I Know My Love Was Not for You. Jack lets us know that his Christmas tree disaster on the train turned out well enough for the gang to have a nice Christmas Eve. what plans does everybody have for the coming New Years festivities? Interruptions from a knock at the door keep Phil from playing. You Walked By. The cast get ready for the traditional New Years allegory. In a great big house called the earth, Jack and Mary’s time grows short as they recap the year. Pop songs that have Jack hep to the jive, a visit from Venus, and the first stroke of 12 arrives. The baby year arrives to get advice on trouble being caused in the world. Note: Walter Tetley is the wise cracking kid who gives Jack a hard time. Not sure who is the baby new year.

 Great Gildersleeve – Christmas Eve At Home. ep190, 451223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Carrying a load of packages to the door, Gildersleeve can’t get inside without the help of Birdie. The two of them figure where the best hiding place might be. Leroy pops in to remind Gildy of the one thing he really wants. Will the great man allow Marjie to spend Christmas Eve with Marshal Bullard? With his traditions ruined, Gildy is grumpy and doesn’t want to even help trim the tree. Craig Bullard enters to brighten the spirits for a change, when he has word that his dad doesn’t want Marshal to ruin their family traditions at home. As the afternoon rolls on, decorative lights around town begin to twinkle on,. Inside the Gildersleeve home, last moment gift wrapping takes place, with Leroy’s help. Marjorie does her part in the festivities when judge Hooker pops in to share in the sentiments. The house is looking like Christmas, and Gildy looks over the traditional cards. Peavy visits with Christmas wishes. Who has he been delivering Christmas gifts to, and how can he get lippstick off his collar? After a gift exchange, their next guest is Leila Ransom. To round out the show, Birdie sings the Carole she will do at her church, and the whole gang sing, Joy to the World.


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