The Adventures Of Frank Race – The Adventure Of The Mormon Country . 491023

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Meeting with Bruce, an insurance adjuster, Frank Race is hired as the go between to pay a ransom for a kidnapped man. Frank isn’t ready to get on board, until he learns he will also be following the money trail to capture the bad guys. The bills in the payoff have all had serial numbers recorded, and Frank soon determines the center of operations for the kidnappers, Salt Lake City. <br> Frank encounters a girl from his past. Cybil was only a scrawny little girl, but has grown up,, been engaged, and in the recent year has broken it off with her fiancee, Kruger. As Frank and his side kick, Mark, drive the winding roads of the off season ski country, gun shots head their way. Failed brakes lands our Heros in the hospital, and in serious condition. <br> In the days after the car crash, the trail has grown cold. Even squeaky clean towns like Salt Lake City have their seamy sides and dives. Its just the kind of place for Frank to pick up on the scent of Cybil, and her old flame. Will the connection lead Frank all the way to the kidnappers? Cybil knows things she isn’t revealing. <br> Is the investigation done when the kidnappers end up dead? Frank smells a rat and won’t stop; until he has the mastermind in hand. <br>