Lum and Abner – Robert Is Gone. 450528

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When Robert the robot was last seen, he made a left turn and was out of sight before Cedric could catch up to him. Was it Abner’s fault in using the remote conterol? Abner thinks the mechanical man just decided to run away. How did Robert escape being seen by Cedric, or any of the residents in the area? <br> The gents and Cedric try to figure it out, and grieve over their loss. Robert had become like a mother to them. Their worries turn to another kind of worry, when they think of what Dr Drill will say when he returns for his invention. <br> Lum is concerned that Robert is running amok, and will tear up half the countryside. Just as Lum fears for the citizens of Pine Ridge, grandpap enters With a message. Dr Drill is coming to take back his box that he left for safekeeping. <br>