Great Gildersleeve – Christmas Eve At Home. ep190, 451223

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Carrying a load of packages to the door, Gildersleeve can’t get inside without the help of Birdie. The two of them figure where the best hiding place might be. Leroy pops in to remind Gildy of the one thing he really wants. Will the great man allow Marjie to spend Christmas Eve with Marshal Bullard? <br> With his traditions ruined, Gildy is grumpy and doesn’t want to even help trim the tree. Craig Bullard enters to brighten the spirits for a change, when he has word that his dad doesn’t want Marshal to ruin their family traditions at home. <br> As the afternoon rolls on, decorative lights around town begin to twinkle on,. Inside the Gildersleeve home, last moment gift wrapping takes place, with Leroy’s help. Marjorie does her part in the festivities when judge Hooker pops in to share in the sentiments. <br> The house is looking like Christmas, and Gildy looks over the traditional cards. Peavy visits with Christmas wishes. Who has he been delivering Christmas gifts to, and how can he get lippstick off his collar? After a gift exchange, their next guest is Leila Ransom. To round out the show, Birdie sings the Carole she will do at her church, and the whole gang sing, Joy to the World. <br>