Bob Hope – Camp Borden, Canada . ep232, 440919

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bob “Camp Borden Canada” Hope shares jokes about slow trains, passports, receptions, and more. Skinny Ennis sings, Swinging on A Star. <br> Bob and Skinny joke about the USA recently joining the war in Europe, then Francis Langford joins the fun for jokes on dating. Jerry Colonna arrives for his typical nonsense on traveling over Niagra Falls in a barrel. Skinny Ennis plays some swinging dance tunes. <br> Francis Langford is on hand to hear about Jerry, and his Niagra Falls trip. Newly weds, marriage, and tourism are some of the topics. Francis sings, It Could Happen to You. The band plays more traveling music. <br> Bob is joined by a vet to remember the days they spent in air raids together in London. They joke about Bob’s book,. And turn to a sketch about sharing a fox hole amidst of falling bombz. Skinny Ennis sings,. Date With An Angel. <br>