Phil Harris – Selling the House. ep39, 471019

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After being told he is now a stockholder in his sponsor, Phil has gone crazy in buying luxuries for Alice. Not only Furs, and jewelry for her, but even strapless evening gowns for the girls to wear to school. He made arrangements to sell the house to buy a better one, but Alice puts a stop to it. Can the bookings the realtor be stopped so easily? The flood of potential buyers starts with Frank Nelson. Alice thinks he’s the plumber she called to fix the sink, but Phil has to scramble to run interference on him. Will he do so well with the sultry dame who comes calling next? Phil sings, You’ve Gone and Hurt My Pride. <br> Alice is getting suspicious of the way Phil jumps to answer the door. Is she buying his excuses about why the parade of strangers keep coming? Frankie shows up, and isn’t happy about the way Phil has been treating him. Does the abuse in running errands make him qualified to offer marital advice? Phil has to come clean with Alice about the crowd of strangers. <br> Julius arrives to express his undying love for Alice, and comment on the oversized sandbox in the back yard. The day finally nears an end, and things settle down. As dodo the flood of jokes, and strangers to bring them. <br>