Suspense – One Hundred in the Dark. ep14, 420930

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A gentle story of suspense. Gentlemen in the club discuss mysteries and come up with one that doesn’t require crime or death to make their point. Does a good detective story demand lots of emotion? Curiosity, cleverness, principles, and other mystery elements are dissected. <br> A high society girl puts on a party for a few friends. A couple on the brink of separation, a gambler, those caught up in affairs, or in desperate ways. The party begins,. And in the corse of the merriment, the hostess finds some of her jewelry missing. Who is most likely to have taken it? How will she go about getting the valuable prize back? <br> Acting fast,. She secures her studio apartment, and comes up with a plan to both get her jewelry back and save face for the culprit. The suspenseful moment comes in when she turns out the lights, and counts. That’s right. She counts to 100 in the dark. <br> But wait. Will she need to call the police for official action? And who exactly did it, and why? Are those questions really so important? The imp0ortant thing is whether she got the jewelry back. <br>