Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Benny – Jack Is Held up on His Way to Don’s House (2). ep387, 401124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

For a switch Jack introduces Don, who just got married. What kind of wedding gifts did Jack give to his hefty show announcer? What will Phil have to say on the topic of marriage? With his swinging, late night life style, not much. Dennis Day arrives to offer congratulations. After an interruption, Dennis sings, Two Dreams Met. Still trying to make an impression on the marital topic, Phil flubs lines as he tells a tale of Eskimo love. Instead of continuing the show as planned, Don invites the cast to his house. Jack insists on calling Don’s wife, but Don says it won’t be necessary. before the gang heads out in a taxi, Rochester phones in with problems with Jack’s dry cleaning. Phil plays some hopping traveling music. Arriving at Don’s place by cab, Phil and Denis pay. Suddenly, Don sees the wisdom in calling his wife about unexpected- guests. He recommends taking in one at a time, while Jack gripes that he knew they should have called first. As Jack waits, it starts to rain. What could make it worse? The rain picks up, then a mugger attacks. No, its not the famous robbery scene. The mugger simply says, “Gimme your dough!” Then Jack keeps griping about not calling first. Note: When Dennis wants to ask a question, he is corrected. Jack tells him he doesn’t need to raise his hand, but if he does,. To use more than one finger.

 Stan Freeberg – Rocket Sled. ep12, 570929 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:54

Preparation for a death defying journey in a rocket sled is in its final stages, and Stan is the on site reporter to get the story as it breaks. Billy May plays, Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue. Take a look at how the average American husband takes care of a simple do it yourself project, like fixing a dripping faucet. But what if you don’t have the right tool for the job? You make one, of course. Note for all the ladies out there. Do you know how you can tell this is just a piece of humorous fiction? Stan actually reads and follows his step by step instructions. So how does the plumbing project work out? Peggy Taylor sings, Rainbow. Bob Tator, the man responsible for Stan’s historical sketches arrives, but why is he so out of breath? Has he gotten out of the historical racket? Stan pitches his latest album, and sings a song from it, Sha Boom. Note: Also appearing are June Forray, and helping with the musical tallent are the Rhythmaires.

 Bob Hope – INVASION DAY from the Van Nuys Airdrome. 440606 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:02

Just a few short minutes of some serious words from Bob Hope about the invasion in Europe on this day. as with most other performers, his entire time slot was given over to war news. Francis Langford sings, Ave Maria.

 Mr and Mrs North – The Dark Swarthy Man (Partial). ep12, 430317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:34

Out on the town, the Norths stop in for a palm reading by Madam Zora. Pam is more excited over the dark swarthy man who is to enter their lives than Jerry is. Neither will be thrilled when the man turns out to be a dead body. Did he die from the superstitions and curse placed on him by Madam Zora? Bill, the police friend of the Norths reports the crime lab finds of gas. Jerry and Pam work with the cops, but when they find the high class apartment of Madam Zora, they also find her dead. With all the key players and suspects dying off, the plot thickens. And just a prime spot for the audio to stop and leave us all wondering just who did murder those people.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Skitch Henderson and Peggy Lee. ep10, 461218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

That silver toned canary, Bing Crosby jokes about unwanted Christmas gifts. Playlist * Gal in Calico. (Bing Crosby) * Rumors are Flying. (Bing Crosby) * Its All Over Now. (Peggy Lee) * The Man I Love. (Skitch Henderson) * The Old Lamplighter. (Bing Crosby) * I Love You for Sentimental Reasons. (Charioteers) * Everything is Moving Too Fast. (Peggy Lee, Bing Crosby) * White Christmas. (Bing Crosby)

 Lum and Abner – Lum Finds out Abner Sold the Diamond. 450425 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the Jot Em Down store, Abner gets a phone call with mixed blessings. Squire Skimp has been in the hospital, and will be there for the next few days. As sad as that is, the good news is that he won’t be able to act on foreclosing the mortgages he holds on the gents. Cedric enters to tell about clothing needed to support the troops. Knighted headwear… oh wait, that’s knitted headwear. The gents send Cedric to gather clothes from the feed room, and talk about the good work our troops are doing, and Abner’s flat footedness. They’re just proud to help out, and Abner sends Cedric to his house to collect more clothing from Lizabeth. When Abner finds that Cedric cleaned out the store room of clothing, including his own coat, he heads out to find the lad. Meanwhile, Lum burns up the party line, to ask around if others have seen Cedric. The boy is found, and Lum searches the pile of blue serge suits he has collected. A receipt in a coat pocket finds Abner’s, and tells on him with the truth about the sale of the diamond.

 Exploring Tomorrow – Convict. ep1, 571211 (retro685) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:31

as you enjoy this classic story from Mars, consider donating to support the podcast. Colonies have been founded by misfits, revels, or rejects. But not all are rebels, some are just plain old criminals. Faced with 15 years in prison, or Mars, Robert Black chooses Mars. Ten years into his time in the coal mines, he’s ready to leave. Will the colony administrator see any merit in sending the troublemaker back to Earth? Men don’t take no for an answer lightly,. In some, it drives them to higher accomplishments. For Black, it drives him to search for new ways to escape. Befriending a young space pilot, he manages to hijack his spaceship, and is well on his way across the solar system. The trip may not go well when Black learns his young pilot was only bragging about his skills. Neither know how to fly the craft. Not listening to reality, Black feels he can handle this brand new machine. A baby could fly this thing, right? Though he survives his crash landing, Black finds himself in trouble, panics, and turns a possible dire situation into a worse one for himself. Bonus Track * Keith shares info about this late entry to the age of old time radio. * There’s a quick appeal to support the podcast in much needed upgrades. * Some early fun with red Skelton. 04-22-1939 Robin Hood Skelton

 The Adventures Of Frank Race – The Adventure Of The Violent Virtuoso . 490904 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

A lawyer, turned secret agent during the war, has turned to the life of adventure seeker. Today a woman, Cybel, from Frank Race’s past returns to his life. Reluctantly, he takes her case, but claims she may not like him so well once its over. More characters from Franks past show up. This time a couple of shady thugs. Why are they on the trail of Cybel? An invitation to a violin concert turns deadly. Frank detects jealousy between Cybel, and Carol, a girl in the symphony. Is it enough to lead to gunning down Carol? Not only that, but while she is on the phone with Frank. There’s not a lot of players in this mystery. How are the thugs connected? Who would want Carol dead? What does the violinist know about Carol or Cybel? Frank has all he needs to tie up the loose ends, and explains all in a confrontation.

 Dragnet – Big Sorrow. ep133, 511227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:40

Dedicated to the memory of Barton Yarborough, who created and portrayed the role of Ben Romero. Robbery detail. Two men have escaped from prison. armed and dangerous, they’re heading to your city. Its the job of Joe Friday to get them! As Joe gets to the office, he is caught up on the details of the escaped convicts. He is stunned to learn that his partner, Ben Romero passed away from a heart attack earlier in the morning. Though the chief can’t give him the day off with the present emergency, he allows Joe to visit Ben’s wife to reminisce over the 11 year partnership;. After his description of the mutual comfort, Joe teams up with Jacobs to work the case. The cops interview a priest who may know one of the escaped men. Stan Blair had been a trustee at the minimum security prison. Will the men find cover by hiding in plain sight in old stomping grounds? Is the priest mistaken in thinking of Stan as the “good thief” who was on the cross next to Jesus? Joe is back in police headquarters and reviewing the facts thus far. State troopers have the highways under close surveillance. Reports notify cops of stolen guns and ammo. The men are in an area of 20 square miles. Do the cops have enough men to flush them out? On the way to the blockaded area, Joe checks on Mrs Romero to see how she’s holding up. On the scene, magnesium shotgun shells are fired into the air to light up the night sky. Searching parties make slow progress. If the cops can’t find them, can they make the bad guys come to the cops? Stakeouts continue through the cold night. Guns blaze when Blair and Russel are spotted. The cops get relief from diffusing the situation with an arrest, but Joe is still thinking of his missing partner, Ben. Note: In real life, Jack Web and Barton Yarborough were close friends. in the scenes where Joe Friday appears upset over the passing of his partner, he probably isn’t acting too hard.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Tells How He Got Rid of The Diamond. 450424 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lum marvel’s at how Abner has run the stranger out of town. Are the gents, and their friends safe from the diamond and its curse? Cedrics parrot, General, played his part in the job,. But Lum wants to give Abner most of the credit. How are the courtship and wedding plans going between Lum and Miss Emiline? After seeing the expensive things Lum ordered, she just can’t wait to see them. Even though he can’t afford any of it, he doesn’t have the heart to cancel the order. As Abner steps out, Cedric returns to fill Lum in on how he got his parrot. he also tells all he knows about the diamond, the curse, and how Abner sold it to get rid of it. Lum can’t believe the betrayal, and is stunned.

 Suspense – The Hitch Hiker. ep11, 420902 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

Featuring Orson Wells. Originally aired on Mercury Theater of the Air. Orson gives a dramatic introduction to the thriller about to be performed. Heading out on a cross country road trip from New York to California, Ron Adams recounts his descent into mental instability. Or is he? He says goodbye to his mother, and encounters a hitch hiker on the rainy day. What’s wrong with the man on the side of the road? Is it possible he can be keeping pace with the high powered car as he drives down the highway? Along the turnpikes, and lonely roads, the hitch hiker is never far from Ron. He’s there when he fuels his tank, or stops for a rest. Nobody else can see the drab man. There’s nothing sinister, or threatening, just a lone man who gives Ron the creeps. To keep his sanity, Ron picks up a girl hitch hiker. All it does is prove to her that Ron may be developing some mental problems. Ron goes as far as pushing himself to try to run the man down, Ron has finally had enough. He stops to make a long distance phone call, just to hear a familiar voice from back home. Lets just say there’s a spine tingling moment when he learns a truth that he has been running from. And what about that hitch hiker? It shouldn’t take much thought to figure out what he’s there for.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Back From Vacation. ep294, 410930 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:53

Or, Gildy Says Goodbye. The season opener, and the McGee’s trudge back in the door after their movie making adventures. Will there be anyone around to welcome them home? . Abigail Uppington stops in to say how the world has been treating her. Fibber tries to get a Start on telling about the great Alaskan outdoors, but doesn’t get too far. Martha Tilton sings, Yes Indeed. Billie Mills drops in for a groovy chat about his musicians. Will he stay around long enough to hear Fibber wax poetic about his hunting trip? Harlowe Wilcox manages to do his own waxing for the sponsor product. Fibber jokes about being part of the sweater set, when Gildersleeve drops in to remind folks that he[is already gone. Doing his new show. The old chums argument over their borrowed lawn mower is settled by the hall closet. The Kingsmen sing, Little Liza Jane. Wallace Wimple wishes his wife would agree to take a trip to the great outdoors.  Teeny visits, but doesn’t want to reveal her age. Will the hungry tot listen to Fibber’s hunting tale? The Old Timer tells it the way he hear’d it, and leaves it to Molly to listen to Fibbers untold hunting tale.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric’s Parrot. 450423 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Cedric shows off his new parrot he just got from Gomer Bates. It was a good deal too, at least in his mind. Abner isn’t so sure. Does the bird talk? Abner isn’t impressed with the parrots knowledge, but is amused over the responses. Should he just swap the tired old bird back? Lum arrives to give an update of what’s happening with the diamond, and the curse. As Lum steps out, the mysterious stranger comes calling for him. Can Abner screen his friend from the man? Will he be able to deal with the stranger to get rid of the diamond once and for all? Cedric’s parrot helps to drive a hard bargain.

 World Adventurers Club – The Tattooed Rose. ep11, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:45

Excellent audio quality. A story of China Town of old San Fransisco. Romance and lost love. A young doctor is to marry a Boston girl. On a whim she decides to get a rose tattoo, including Alan’s name on it, and its the last time she was seen or heard of again. Then 20 years later, the doctor is called on to minister his services on an old, dying woman, and he learns the tragic truth of what happened too his beloved Anita.

 Jack Benny – Jack Waits to See a Movie Director. ep386, 401117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:55

Don recaps Jacks trouble in getting the studio to premier his latest film in his home town of Waukegan. Today we join Jack and Mary as they visit the studio. Is Waukegan just a little one horse town, not worthy of the attention? They meet a man named Oynest Hemming Way who is also having trouble being seen. . what has the author written lately? As others get in ahead of them, Mary points out a magazine cover featuring Jack. Rochester enters with problems involving a parking ticket. Taking all he can stand, Jack storms out, while Phil plays some traveling music. Rejoined by his new friend. Hemming Way, Jack tries to force his way into see Mr Barons. Will it do any good to go over the head of the director? Resigned to his wait, Jack and Mary enjoy lunch, while Rochester reports on more parking tickets. He is visited by his co-star in his film, Mary Martin. How about those kissing scenes? Will she be able to get Jack in to see the exec any sooner? Mary Martin closes the show with a song, Isn’t That Just Like Life. Note: Mary Kelley, the Blue Fairy is the receptionist for Mr Sanders in the show. Frank Nelson is secretary to Mr Barons. I think Oy nest is Elliot Lewis.


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