Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Benny – Jack’s Halloween Party. ep384, 401103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Don turns back the clock to Jack’s Halloween party last Thursday. Rochester sings as he helps Jack decorate, and get his costume together. Mary Livingstone visits to joke about Jack’s hula girl costume. What kind of devilish kid was Jack in his younger days? Dennis shows up in a sailor suit, but what will Mary wear? How about one of Jack’s old vaudeville suits? Dennis sings, We Used To Say. A knock at the door reveals a bit of trouble with the domestic help, and Don dressed as a skeleton. Mary pokes fu n at Jack’s old suit, and receptions by vaudeville audiences. Phil arrives, made up as that Roman umpire, Julius Caesar. As the sweet cider and hors duerves flow, Mary reads a letter from her mom. Mary and Phil sing, When It Comes to Love You Catch on Quick. Mr Billingsly joins the fun. What should the gang do next? Ring doorbells and run? Should Jack do a hula? When Jack dances, his grass skirt catches fire, and he reacts by taking a dive into his pool. Hmm… the one Rochester just drained for the season.

 Stan Freeberg – Abominable Snowman Revisited. ep9, 570908 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:11

Stan talks about his friend the abominable snowman for another visit in the Himalayas. Learn the real name of the snowman and meet his wife. Stan exposes how he gets the info for his historical sketches. Then a brief sketch on the Revolutionary War. . Among other gags, it’s about the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware. Stan and his singer sing a duet, I Can’t Sleep. Next is a glimpse of television on the moon, featuring the ‘HoneyEarthers.’

 Bob Hope – Coast Guard with Carole Landis. ep216, 440222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

Features: Stan Kenton, Tony Romano. Jerry Colonna, Vera Veg. And Francis Langford. Bob “Coast Guard” Hope hits the scene with his rapid style jokes geared to the flavor of the military audience. Local hot spots. Coast Guard jargon, and attempts by the cast to enlist. Tony Romano sings. My Heart Tells Me. Without any musical, or comedy talent , Carol Landis joins Bob to let the Boys stare at her. She still manages to hold her own in dishing the jokes right back at Bob. Of course the usual jokes on dating. And fending off wolves like Bob are included. Francis Langford sings, Until the Teardrops Fall. Taking inventory of his most prized -possessions,. Bob is joined by the ever man crazy,, Vera Veg. Can his pal Jerry rescue him? Jokes include dating, insults, the South, trains, and transportation shortages. Francis sings, My Ideal.

 Mr and Mrs North (AFRS) Honey Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:16

Or, Dime A Dance When Mrs North is convinced her husband is seeing a nigh club dancer named Honey Jones, she goes to confront the man stealing dame. Will the fur be flying? Will there be gun play? Meanwhile, Tony Jones pays a visit to Jerry North. He seems to have the same misunderstanding about Honey. is she having a fling with him? As Pam cries over her husband, she takes a cab across town. Her friends think she’s over reacting, but she’s not listening to reason. Should she play the part of a dance hall girl to find out what’s going on with Honey? Is it such a smart idea if Honey should wind up dead? Her efforts are a little rough, but it helps advance the case for Jerry and the cops. A blackmail racket on the side could be the reason Honey got killedl, but was it her husband Tony? The heat is turned up, and the real killer is squeezed out..

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Clifton Webb and The Crosby Boys. 480421 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

The daddy of them all (except Clifton) jokes about being a dad. Playlist: * Hurray for Love. (Bing) * Swinging Down the Lane. (Bing) * In need of a babysitter, and since Clifton Webb just played a sitter in his latest movie, he is called. Reluctant at first, Clifton is persuaded to watch the rambunctious Crosby kids. Are the boys too mature for a sitter? Warnings are left for the 4 little earthquakes with feet. Promises are made, but pranks are planned. * The moment arrives, and Clifton has his show down with the boys. The happy state of composure is upset by Bullet, the family Labradore Retriever. Clifton naps while the boys sing. * Wabash Cannonball. (Crosby boys) * When Bing hasn’t left, he helps in a reprise of Wabash Cannonball. * Do You Know How Lucky You Are. (Bing)

 Lum and Abner – Dicks Advice. 450410 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

With all the mystery over the diamond, and the stranger in town, Abner talks to Dick Huddleston. They review the instance of the gents waiting for the man over at Lum’s house. Getting spooked over a strange sound, the gents let loose with gunfire, and whoever was outside was scared off. Dick offers Abner the advice to take the diamond back to the county seat, and sell it to the jeweler there. Just do it behind Lum’s back, so as to not get him riled up. Dick doesn’t believe in curses, but if it would make Abner’s nerves feel better, selling it would only be right. Meanwhile, as Dick and Abner head out, back in the store Lum talks with US Quincey. Lum has his own surprise for Abner that Ulises can help with. Do the gents have similar ideas about keeping the diamond safe?

 Dragnet – Big Canaries. ep130, 511206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:58

Homicide Detail. A 40 year old mother is murdered, and Joe Friday has to put the pieces to the mystery together Checking into the Woodfield High School office, Joe Friday and partner, Ben Romero break the news to 16 year old Roberta Dixon that her mother has been found murdered. Later at the morgue,. The detectives learn more about the cause of death. Young Roberta has recovered enough from her shock, to tell Joe about her family life in her single parent home. She does her best to help cops connect with friends of her mom. After Roberta is placed in the custody of child services, Joe follows up on leads regarding friends of Mrs Dixon, and reexamine the crime scene. Nice house, nice size yard, well kept. All that can be found is a dead canary. Dead by a sharp weapon… the same thing used on Mrs Dixon. What might Roberta reveal about the canary, or the connection to her mom’s death? The clues begin to flood Joe, and the evidence all piles up to point to Roberta. Should the cops keep trying to track down the husband? Holes are poked into all of Robertas statements. It doesn’t take much confrontation with the troubled teen to get to the bottom of the crime. The thin web of lies is swept aside, to reveal the fight between her controlling mom over her pet canary. But the twist is in who killed the canary, and why?

 Barry Craig Confidential; Investigator – Case of the Protection Racket. 511024 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:56

Or Microfilm in the Fish Tank. George is a tailor, and the victim of extortion. He goes to his customer, Barry Craig for help. The private eye recommends taking it to the cops, but when his place burns down, he turns out to not be very well protected. Barry feels guilty, and takes it personal. Hot on the trail of the racketeers, Barry is hired by newspaper man. How can he help get to the top of the extortion ring? Why doesn’t he just rely on his reporters? Back on the streets, Barry shakes up his informants. The pressure pays off, and one clue leads to another to climb up the ladder to the top, or close enough to it. A phony holding company is found, and a retired convict with a heart problem. more phony companies spring out of the woodwork, and in a dentist office, micro film is found. Barry is iin a tough spot when he takes a risk to steal the film. It does the trick to make the big boss show his hand. Get ready for gun play, and danger before the mystery is solved. Note: Hiding microfilm ing a fish tank? My first thought was, ‘O come now boss!’ Fish tanks are meant to be in full view, so you can see the fish. The bad guys wouldn’t need to beat up on anybody,. They could see the film right there. However, I suppose in desperation, its plausible that a panicked person might thoughtlessly shove something there to hide. Its still in plain sight, and clearly out of place. It also leads to Barry’s twist to polishing off the case.

 Dick Tracy – Case Of The Low Hi-Jack. 470904 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:00

Stand by for action! Let’s go men! But first a word on that hero of baseball, Babe Ruth. Listen up for a few tidbits of trivia on the champ, and his battle with his medical condition,. Back in Headquarters, Pat talks with Dick Tracy about the crooks they’re chasing. They wonder over why Stanton’s trucks are the ones that get hit the worst by robbers. Is he robbing his own drivers for insurance money? Elsewhere, crooks Moribund and Pruneface battle wits. Might there be some jealousy and backstabbing in store for the bad guys? Sy Heavy, and Billy Tell are among the gang members who will soon find themselves as pawns in a trap for Tracy, and maybe even get themselves killed if things go wrong. Dick confronts Mr Stanton about the self sabotage, but the businessman seems to have documents to prove that he’s on the up and up. Will the appearance of Billy Tell on his roll of employees raise red flags for Dick and Pat? I’d say to stay tuned for the next thrilling installment, but I don’t have it. All we know is the crime kingpin, Moribund gives a few final instructions to Deadpan and his henchmen before they lay their trap. PS: For a few added comments from Keith, and a bonus track, check out Dick Tracy – Case Of The Low Hi Jack 470903 (retro432)

 Suspense – The Burning Court. ep1, 420617 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:45

Based on John Dixon Carr’s novel of the same name. On a commuters train, manuscripts are read, and a picture from the 17th century bares a startling resemblance to his young bride. The original woman was a poisoner, and was beheaded. Is there any relation to the young Marie? Should Ted be worried when the picture disappears once he gets home? News arrives that Mark’s uncle has been murdered. poisoned. Mark describes why he thinks its poison, and not due to failing health of the elderly uncle. Is there good reason to link Marie to the crime? Is it enough to make Ted Stevens doubt his wife’s love for him? Police arrive to rock the boat in the Stevens home. Even Ted is suspected. Can he prove where he was? Marie suddenly disappears, and a stranger shows up who seems to know more than Ted does about his wife. Secrets, superstitions, and true identities emerge. But who is the mastermind behind the crime?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber And Molly Have Their Picture Taken. ep291, 410610 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

Looking through the family photo album, the McGee’s get a laugh at the old fashioned styles from their youth. Molly’s 1916 bathing suit, and Fibber in his Army uniform. Wanting a good photo to share with her aunt, Molly can’t find any recent ones. Before they can rush out to have new portraits made, Teeny visits. Has the tiny tot finally lost her appetite? Billy Mills plays a swinging tune to transition. Downtown, the Old Timer seems worn out. He claims to have been bowling all evening. What is it that peps him up as he dashes off? The photo clerk butters up Molly, before Abigail Uppington emerges from the studio. What’s her latest in high society gossip, and her glamour shots? Harlowe Wilcox turns the topic of photo shoots into a sponsor message. Even Gildersleeve is ahead of Fibber as he waits in line. The bickering friends let the insults fly. Have they reached the boiling point with their fighting words? The Kingsmen sing, The Tool Song. The McGee’s are up next, right after Wallace Wimple tells the latest fight stories between him and his big old wife, Sweetie Face. Why doesn’t he just leave her if life is so bad with her Gale Gordon is the photographer… or is he? Frank Nelson enters to clear the matter up.

 Adventures in Research – Science in Recreation. ep189, 460903 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:24

Science is everywhere, even in the world of sports. Advancements in new materials and technology during the war made its way into just about every facet of life. Baseball saw a new kind of bat made of lamenated wood and aluminum, creating a bat that won’t split, and be evenly balance. Not to mention air travel. It brought teams to distant cities annd allowed them to arrive fresh for the game. For track, automatic starting pistols use metal disks and an electronic circuit to help prevent false starts. Walkie talkies improve communications between the broadcasters with their man on the field. What about the tough game of football? Light weight pads, and uniforms make it easier to run down the field. Bowling now has automatic pin setters, and the electronic eye to call fouls when a bowler steps over the line. So many other sports will also enjoy the benefits of science so people will find them more enjoyable. The hope is increased safety and participation for everyone.

 Lum and Abner – Nervous About The Diamond. 450409 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

A misunderstanding had led a mysterious figure to believe it was grandpap who possessed the diamond. As Lum and Abner talk, they review the curse on the diamond that Lum bought. Now that its clear that it’s Lum who owns it, Abner and their friends should be out of danger. Lum still isn’t one to believe in such superstitions, but Abner is still worried. Grandpap enters, looking worse for the wear. The curse has him wore to a frazzle. He and Abner compare notes on being tired, and turning in early. If it weren’t for the broken rocker Iin the store, the gents could sleep all day. There isn’t anything to worry about , is there? Wait. What’s that noise from back in the feed room? It’s nothing to get under Lum’s skin, is it?

 World Adventurers Club – Land Of Tragic Darkness. ep8, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:07

Audio has Good quality. A brief telling of the fall of the house of Romanov, the last Russian Tsar. Rasputin had held the royal family captivated, and reliant on his advice. By the time the prophecies fail, its too late, and the peasant uprising is in full swing.

 Jack Benny – Hold That Line. ep383, 401027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

That modest, most unassuming of hosts is introduced, Jack Benny. Phil Harris is on board to poke holes in Jack’s humble nature, and we learn that Mary Livingstone is home, with a cold. Dennis arrives to learn that he has to take over Mary’s roles in the show. Would the Blue Fairy be a better choice? Phil plays, That’s for Me. Phil shows off some of his new vocabulary skills he learned at night school. Jack grills him on other areas of learning. Jack transitions into the featured sketch about football. Parts are assigned, and a joke about a bird cheer is made. Rochester is on hand to help, but Jack makes him water boy, instead of a team player. The Blue Fairy is willing to play, if Jack will let her. Being Navy Day, Dennis sings, He’s My Uncle. Jack titles his play: Kick in the Bridgework, or I’ll Never S mile Again. Does he have a crew of men, or mice? Phil continues to show off his history, spelling, and other newly found skills. What kind of concoction has Rochester made out of the water? A surprise player, Butch Schlepperman joins the team. With the game in full swing, Frank Nelson calls the play by play. Its looking bleak, but when Jack runs the ball… well, its time for the Blue Fairy to bail the team out.


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