Jack Benny – Hold That Line. ep383, 401027

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: That modest, most unassuming of hosts is introduced, Jack Benny. Phil Harris is on board to poke holes in Jack’s humble nature, and we learn that Mary Livingstone is home, with a cold. Dennis arrives to learn that he has to take over Mary’s roles in the show. Would the Blue Fairy be a better choice? Phil plays, That’s for Me. <br> Phil shows off some of his new vocabulary skills he learned at night school. Jack grills him on other areas of learning. Jack transitions into the featured sketch about football. Parts are assigned, and a joke about a bird cheer is made. Rochester is on hand to help, but Jack makes him water boy, instead of a team player. The Blue Fairy is willing to play, if Jack will let her. Being Navy Day, Dennis sings, He’s My Uncle. <br> Jack titles his play: Kick in the Bridgework, or I’ll Never S mile Again. Does he have a crew of men, or mice? Phil continues to show off his history, spelling, and other newly found skills. What kind of concoction has Rochester made out of the water? A surprise player, Butch Schlepperman joins the team. <br> With the game in full swing, Frank Nelson calls the play by play. Its looking bleak, but when Jack runs the ball… well, its time for the Blue Fairy to bail the team out. <br>