Lum and Abner – Nervous About The Diamond. 450409

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A misunderstanding had led a mysterious figure to believe it was grandpap who possessed the diamond. As Lum and Abner talk, they review the curse on the diamond that Lum bought. Now that its clear that it’s Lum who owns it, Abner and their friends should be out of danger. Lum still isn’t one to believe in such superstitions, but Abner is still worried. <br> Grandpap enters, looking worse for the wear. The curse has him wore to a frazzle. He and Abner compare notes on being tired, and turning in early. If it weren’t for the broken rocker Iin the store, the gents could sleep all day. <br> There isn’t anything to worry about , is there? Wait. What’s that noise from back in the feed room? It’s nothing to get under Lum’s skin, is it? <br>