Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Stan Freeberg – Good Humor Man. ep8, 570901 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

Stan opens with color commentary of a circus act. He then goes into a bit about the secret lives of those who serve as Good Humor Men. After a song, a spoof of Dragnet is done. St George and the Dragon.

 Bob Hope – Camp Pendelton – Ginger Rogers. ep214, 440208 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

Bob “Camp Pendleton Marine Base” Hope jokes about the vast size of the base. Marine Corps pride, toughness, and lady barbers. The show takes a side step to Washington DC, and a message about the Boy Scouts. Francis Langford sings, Besa Me Mucho. Francis joins Bob to joke about the Women Marines on the base. Jerry Colona phones in to joke about his war bond drive activities. The man crazy Vera Vague may feel like a young colt, but, Bob claims she looks more like an old 45. The putdowns don’t stop her from chasing after Jerry. Might they soon be married? Ginger Rogers is on hand to talk about her Marine Corps husband. She also gets teased about her latest film, Lady in the Dark. Because the film is about psychiatrists, they put on short drama on the topic.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Judy Garland. ep7, 461127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:24

Featuring: Ken Carpenter, John Scot Trotter, Skitch Henderson, Lena Romei, The Charioteers, and the Les Paul Trio Playlist * Old Buttermilk Sky (Bing). * Somebody to Love (Bing with Les Paul). * I Got You Under My Skin (Sketch Henderson and John Scot Trotter’s Orchestra). * Bing introduces Judy Garland, and talks about her career. She sings a lullaby to her 8 month old daughter, Liza. * Liza (Judy Garland). * Thanksgiving plans are discussed at the Crosby home. Judy remembers going hunting back in Minnesota as a girl. It becomes a sketch where Judy and Bing are a girl and boy, alone in the woods. The turkey hunt is going nowhere, so should they sit down and neck? * Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie (Bing and Judy). * All By Myself (Bing). * Keep Coming Back Like a Song (Bing). Note: Commercials are missing for this AFRS recording.

 Lum and Abner – Abner’s House Is Broken Into. 450405 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

When grandpap’s house was broken into, and turned upside down, nothing was missing.. All he found was a threatening note. Is it related to the curse on the diamond? Lum continues to believe there’s nothing to it, but Abner thinks otherwise. Abner is sure somebody has been skulking around his place. Even Lizabeth swears up and down she saw somebody. Cedric is spotted outside, just standing there. The lad is working on his homework, and waiting for the first buds of spring to appear. When the gents step back inside the store, they find evidence that someone has been in there. Will Lum be convinced now? Meanwhile, outside, a stranger speaks with Cedric about drawing buds, and who exactly owns the Jot Em Down store.

 Father Knows Best – Bud Quits School. ep136, 521016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

For such a small girl as Cathy Anderson, and her little ears. She hears plenty. Today she has news that her brother, Bud,. Is quitting school. Betty claims its because he’s too dumb to continue, but it actually turns out to be over an embarrassment over a girl. Will Jim let him drop- out over the misunderstanding with the passed note during class? The plan is to Put Bud to work,. And Jim plans to work him hard enough to be glad to return to class. The pay is meager. But the independence has lit a fire of energy in Bud. Can father keep up in feeding the mundane chores to Bud? Betty sees her chance to get her own room, and suggests the hired help shouldn’t be living in the house with the rest of the family. Living in the tiny room over the garage suits Bud just fine. Has Jim created a monster? Will this start a trend in other boys wanting to drop out of school? It takes Cathy, and her parade of dolls, to push Bud to the brink.

 Dragnet – Big Lease. ep125, 511101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:08

Homicide Detail.. a wealthy businessman has disappeared. And it’s up to Joe Friday to determine if its murder, or suicide. Joe Friday and Ben Romero interview Miss Banner, a woman who leases her home from the missing man. What might she know about Mr Dillon and his friends? All the cops have to go on for now is a letter from his sister. In voiceover, Joe tells about the complicated task in researching missing persons. More interviews, and a business associate reveals cash withdrawn from accounts, and hard feelings after the death of Dillon’s wife. Does it indicate suicide? Other sources help in tracking the latest whereabouts of Dillon. Friends had forwarded mail, but who was he staying with, if anyone? Could he just be on vacation? A hot tip lands in Joe’s lap when a store clerk reports sales tickets made by Mrs Dillon, several weeks after his disappearance. The description fits Miss Banner. Signatures match as well. There’s still the problem of the missing Mr Dillon., but an interview with the Gardner may have just provided the cops with an answer.

 Let George Do It – The Gilbert Dressler Case. 480510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

A man claims his life is touched by evil. He needs George’s help to straighten things out. Brooksie is a little uncomfortable and flippant at being involved in voodoo, seances, and the like. George has a more practical eye, and uncovers a fake fortune teller, but the investigating isn’t over yet. Though the police are upset over the way George breaks the case, at least all the crazies get the mental help they need, and the killers go where they belong.

 Lum and Abner – Grandpap Gets a Threatening Note. 450404 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Finding themselves in an embarrassing spot, the gents fret over Squire Skimp holding mortgages on not only the store, but their homes. The deadline to pay is at midnight. While Lum tries to study something up, Abner lays blame on the curse that’s on the diamond. Squire is in a sunny disposition when he visits. Will he actually foreclose, and throw the gents out? To get the fast cash Lum wanted, the high rate, short term loans are also nonexpendable. Swinging a deal, all Squire needs is the past due interest. It still comes to over $100, and is more than the gents have. Is there some kind of waiver that Lum can sign? Squire has yet another blank form for Lum to sign. As Squire leaves, grandpap arrives, screaming that he’s been robbed. Is the curse still at work in Pine Ridge?

 Adventures in Research – Typewriter History. ep188, 460827 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:54

What would modern business do without the common typewriter? It all started with a machine designed to quickly print numbers. Christopher Latham Sholls added mor keys and linkage to include letters at the suggestion of a friend. It wasn’t the first typewriter, but the first one that worked. Building on existing models that embossed paper, and were heavy and cumbersome, Sholl came up with is design in 1869. Friends Carlos Glidden, and Sam Schuel helped with ideas. They came up with a keyboard arrangement, even the method of using a platen and hammers to strike the paper through an inked ribbon. All are familiar to us today in the world of word processors and computer printers. Marketing the machine wasn’t without its troubles. Could it be too heavy? Can the parts be made less complicated? Financial stresses caused partners to fall away from the project. Despite the improvements and advancements, critics still had complaints. Is the machine ready for mass production?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Gildy’s Ladder – Fibber Makes a Record. ep289, 410527 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:46

Working out in the yard. Fibber and Gildersleeve bicker. The borrowed ladder is the object of the argument, but who actually owns it? Molly has to agree with Gildersleeve and his claim on the ladder. Billy Mills plays a jumping tune. Will Fibber be forced to apologize to his friend? The insults continue. And maybe an apology by phone will work? The call is intercepted by Mirt the phone operator. So Fibbers decides to make a recorded apology instead. Abigail Uppington is next to be offended by Fibber. Gale Gordon is the exec in the recording studio, but he’s full up as others are making their own various recorded messages. Harlowe is recording his last will and testament. And the Old Timer is cutting some hot Jazz. The Kingsmen sing, Open Your Heart and Say Ah. Fibber finally has his time in the studio, and he does his best in a poetic apology/ Wallace Wimple has made a recording of all the things he wished he could tell his big old wife to her face. The trouble is that Fibbers record got mixed up with Wimples.

 Box 13 – Tempest In a Casserole. ep33, 490403 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:09

Alan Ladd stars as Dan Holiday, a retired newspaper man. Holiday now has turned to writing fiction and to obtain ideas for his stories, he runs an ad in The Star-Times newspaper, -Adventure wanted, will go anywhere, do anything, Box 13. This series was produced by Mayfair Productions and syndicated transcribed. Today, an immigrant, and restaurant owner needs Dan’s help. though he has a roaring crowd, the only thing being ordered is a single cup of coffee per person. nick always manages to make money, pay his bills, but there’s something fishy going on, and now he has Dan on the scent. Nick finds himself at the center of confusing deliveries to his place. who is the stranger who is interested in subletting the restaurant? might something bad cross Nick’s path if he doesn’t cooperate? time to spring a trap, and Dan calls on the cops to lend a hand. what will happen if they just let the racketeers take over, and use Nick’s place for their own purposes? things may become more deadly than expected.

 Lum and Abner – A Surprising Revelation. 450403 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

In the Jot Em Down store, Lum fills in Abner on updates from Mr Chancellor. The artistic type man holds such an impression on Lum that he wishes he was the author’s papa. Of course, Abner thinks that’s just ridiculous. Squire Skimp pops in for a visit. It’s time too make good on that short term loan that Lum signed for. Being short on cash, Abner frets over the possibility of losing the store to Squire. Lum gets on the phone to check on whether that check from Mr Chancellor has cleared, but a stranger approaches. The man claims to be WJ Chancellor, and the man passing himself off to the gents is his son, but he’s no writer. His writings are bogus, and his check is worthless. Has the curse on the diamond finally caught up with Lum? How will he be able to cover the debts he overextended himself on?

 Stan Freeberg – The Lone Analyst. ep7, 570825 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

Stan remarks on a news article that claims if psychologists were as well trained as cops, the crime rate could disappear in 50 years. Thus he reflects on what it might look like if the Lone Ranger were actually the Lone Analist. After a musical interlude with a Frenchman, playing the Hawaiian nose flute and doing a Dixieland jazz number, the usual singer performs. The show wraps up with a crazy spoof of a calipso song where the singer ends up being locked out of the studio.

 Jack  Benny – Jack Tries to Trade in the Maxwell. ep382, 401020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

On the hottest week of the year, Jack and Don make hot jokes about the weather. Jack claims to owe his good health to taking vitamins. Mary implies he has false teeth, and when Phil arrives, he gets in on the Summertime related humor. Jokes on health, and doctors continue. How is Dennis Day feeling? Did he register for the draft this week? Phil claims he and the band did. Dennis sings, Trade Winds. Jack still tries to iron out who will get top billing in his new movie with Fred Allen. The topic turns to his female co-star in the film, Mary Martin, who is from Texas,. Southern flavored jokes take the stage, and an interruption from a man named Puerile J Banal. Phil plays, The World is in My Arms. Due to his busy schedule, Jack has to run along. As he departs, Mary tells what happened earlier in the week when Jack tried to trade in his 1921 Maxwell. The jalopy barely rolls into the lot, and Mary wonders what the new line up of cars is like. Just when the salesman has Jack in line for a top model luxury car, he finds he just can’t part with good old Maxie.

 Behind The Mike – Impersonations Of Famous People. ep63, 411130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

A top Impersonator of the day, Aurthur Buraham, begins the show. He impersonates anything from the moo of a cow, to any noise, to any person that he admires. How does he manage to get tones and inflections Down pat? Listen and learn his secrets. For the sound effects of the week, learn how Superman effects are made. Next are a few spooky words from Inner Sanctum, and it’s host Raymond. The shows organist shares his secrets of how he makes those spooky affects. Oddities in radio features some travel problems of a symphony musician. After the heroic efforts, will he make the concert in time? Yes, and no. Saluting the Allen Templeton program which aired in 1939, the musical program is revisited. A behind the scenes dramatization by a European news correspondence, about a young actress, is shared. Caught in occupied France, and without a passport, she made her way back to England. Bribes, police dogs, Barbwire, none are too much for the actress to get through.


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