Box 13 – Tempest In a Casserole. ep33, 490403

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Alan Ladd stars as Dan Holiday, a retired newspaper man. Holiday now has turned to writing fiction and to obtain ideas for his stories, he runs an ad in The Star-Times newspaper, -Adventure wanted, will go anywhere, do anything, Box 13. This series was produced by Mayfair Productions and syndicated transcribed. <br> Today, an immigrant, and restaurant owner needs Dan’s help. though he has a roaring crowd, the only thing being ordered is a single cup of coffee per person. nick always manages to make money, pay his bills, but there’s something fishy going on, and now he has Dan on the scent. <br> Nick finds himself at the center of confusing deliveries to his place. who is the stranger who is interested in subletting the restaurant? might something bad cross Nick’s path if he doesn’t cooperate? <br> time to spring a trap, and Dan calls on the cops to lend a hand. what will happen if they just let the racketeers take over, and use Nick’s place for their own purposes? things may become more deadly than expected. <br>