Lum and Abner – Abner’s House Is Broken Into. 450405

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When grandpap’s house was broken into, and turned upside down, nothing was missing.. All he found was a threatening note. Is it related to the curse on the diamond? Lum continues to believe there’s nothing to it, but Abner thinks otherwise. <br> Abner is sure somebody has been skulking around his place. Even Lizabeth swears up and down she saw somebody. Cedric is spotted outside, just standing there. The lad is working on his homework, and waiting for the first buds of spring to appear. <br> When the gents step back inside the store, they find evidence that someone has been in there. Will Lum be convinced now? Meanwhile, outside, a stranger speaks with Cedric about drawing buds, and who exactly owns the Jot Em Down store. <br>