Dick Tracy – Case Of The Low Hi-Jack. 470904

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Stand by for action! Let’s go men! But first a word on that hero of baseball, Babe Ruth. Listen up for a few tidbits of trivia on the champ, and his battle with his medical condition,. <br> Back in Headquarters, Pat talks with Dick Tracy about the crooks they’re chasing. They wonder over why Stanton’s trucks are the ones that get hit the worst by robbers. Is he robbing his own drivers for insurance money? <br> Elsewhere, crooks Moribund and Pruneface battle wits. Might there be some jealousy and backstabbing in store for the bad guys? Sy Heavy, and Billy Tell are among the gang members who will soon find themselves as pawns in a trap for Tracy, and maybe even get themselves killed if things go wrong. <br> Dick confronts Mr Stanton about the self sabotage, but the businessman seems to have documents to prove that he’s on the up and up. Will the appearance of Billy Tell on his roll of employees raise red flags for Dick and Pat? I’d say to stay tuned for the next thrilling installment, but I don’t have it. All we know is the crime kingpin, Moribund gives a few final instructions to Deadpan and his henchmen before they lay their trap. <br> PS: For a few added comments from Keith, and a bonus track, check out <a href="https://retro-otr.com/2013/12/dick-tracy-case-of-the-low-hi-jack-470903-retro432/">Dick Tracy – Case Of The Low Hi Jack 470903 (retro432) </a><br>