Suspense – The Hitch Hiker. ep11, 420902

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Featuring Orson Wells. Originally aired on Mercury Theater of the Air. <br> Orson gives a dramatic introduction to the thriller about to be performed. <br> Heading out on a cross country road trip from New York to California, Ron Adams recounts his descent into mental instability. Or is he? He says goodbye to his mother, and encounters a hitch hiker on the rainy day. What’s wrong with the man on the side of the road? Is it possible he can be keeping pace with the high powered car as he drives down the highway? <br> Along the turnpikes, and lonely roads, the hitch hiker is never far from Ron. He’s there when he fuels his tank, or stops for a rest. Nobody else can see the drab man. There’s nothing sinister, or threatening, just a lone man who gives Ron the creeps. <br> To keep his sanity, Ron picks up a girl hitch hiker. All it does is prove to her that Ron may be developing some mental problems. Ron goes as far as pushing himself to try to run the man down, Ron has finally had enough. He stops to make a long distance phone call, just to hear a familiar voice from back home. <br> Lets just say there’s a spine tingling moment when he learns a truth that he has been running from. And what about that hitch hiker? It shouldn’t take much thought to figure out what he’s there for. <br>