Stan Freeberg – Rocket Sled. ep12, 570929

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Preparation for a death defying journey in a rocket sled is in its final stages, and Stan is the on site reporter to get the story as it breaks. Billy May plays, Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue. <br> Take a look at how the average American husband takes care of a simple do it yourself project, like fixing a dripping faucet. But what if you don’t have the right tool for the job? You make one, of course. Note for all the ladies out there. Do you know how you can tell this is just a piece of humorous fiction? Stan actually reads and follows his step by step instructions. So how does the plumbing project work out? <br> Peggy Taylor sings, Rainbow. Bob Tator, the man responsible for Stan’s historical sketches arrives, but why is he so out of breath? Has he gotten out of the historical racket? Stan pitches his latest album, and sings a song from it, Sha Boom. <br> Note: Also appearing are June Forray, and helping with the musical tallent are the Rhythmaires. <br>