Jack Benny – Jack Waits to See a Movie Director. ep386, 401117

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don recaps Jacks trouble in getting the studio to premier his latest film in his home town of Waukegan. Today we join Jack and Mary as they visit the studio. Is Waukegan just a little one horse town, not worthy of the attention? They meet a man named Oynest Hemming Way who is also having trouble being seen. . what has the author written lately? <br> As others get in ahead of them, Mary points out a magazine cover featuring Jack. Rochester enters with problems involving a parking ticket. Taking all he can stand, Jack storms out, while Phil plays some traveling music. <br> Rejoined by his new friend. Hemming Way, Jack tries to force his way into see Mr Barons. Will it do any good to go over the head of the director? Resigned to his wait, Jack and Mary enjoy lunch, while Rochester reports on more parking tickets. He is visited by his co-star in his film, Mary Martin. How about those kissing scenes? Will she be able to get Jack in to see the exec any sooner? Mary Martin closes the show with a song, Isn’t That Just Like Life. <br> Note: Mary Kelley, the Blue Fairy is the receptionist for Mr Sanders in the show. Frank Nelson is secretary to Mr Barons. I think Oy nest is Elliot Lewis. <br>