Phil Harris – Will Benny Renew Phil’s Contract. ep24, 470309

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Visiting the end of the Jack Benny show, Frankie meets fill in the hallway, with a heads up about renewing the contract for next season. Will there be any problems for Phil? Jack agrees to meet Bill at his house to iron out details. Phil sings, That Was Where the Blues Began in New Orleans. <br> At home, Alice answers the door to find that Julius has got himself all spruced up for her. Even more, he has bought all the varieties of the sponsor product he could, so he will smell nice for her. When Phil gets home he and Alice wonder whether Phil’s job could be in danger. What does he do on Jack’s show anyway? Can they play on Jack’s sympathies? Phil is faithful to his boss, and willing to take less money. Alice sings, April Showers. <br> Jack arrives, but gets the names of the girls wrong. They are both girls, right? When little Phylis and Alice encounter Jack, they have their own doubts, but manage to squeeze a quarter out of him. Frankie pops in to let Phil know that Jack doesn’t want to lose him, and to hold out for more money. Twists in the bargaining process get complicated when Alice does her partrt to plead for Phil’s job. <br> Who will end up on top in the wheeling and dealing? <br>