Lum and Abner – Abner Tells Dick About The Diamond. 450430

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lum tells all to Dick Huddleston about Abner having the diamond that was thought to be lost. Receipts prove he sold it, and spent the money to pay off bills. Is he smarter than Lum ever gave him credit for? Lum knows the reasons, but don’t want to hear them. He was counting on giving the ring to his girlfriend, Miss Emiline. <br> A phone call finds Lum still bragging on keeping his expensive promises to his girlfriend. When Lum steps out the back way of Dicks store to avoid Abner, the secrets are confirmed when Dick and Abner talk. How did Abner get the lost diamond? Why didn’t he just come clean about the sale, and how much he got for the gem? <br> It was all done to stop Lum’s big ideas once he has a big pile of money. Not that he needs money to have big ideas. A fact that is confirmed when Abner phones Miss Emiline. <br>