Stan Freeberg – All About Werewolves. ep13, 571006

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Billy May kicks off with a rousing rendition of, Coctails for Two. Vocals provided by the Rhythmaires. A panel of circus people talk with Stan. What might be done to improve attendance at the circus? <br> Peggy Taylor sings, The Angels Sing. Stan takes a look at a composite of movie genres. A regular, run of the mill werewolf tells his story of how he turns into an advertising executive when the sun is out. How did this tragic tale come about? How will the werewolf in the gray flannel suit perform in the world of advertising? <br> By day the werewolf rises to the top of the advertising biz on his cliches alone. Will the dog eat dog world of sales bring out the beast in him? Will the love of his girlfriend tame his savage beast? <br>