Lum and Abner – Dick Tries To Be A Peacemaker. 450501

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Over in Dick Huddelstgon’s store, Lum chacks on his mail. The misunderstanding between the gents mean that Abner didn’t come to work, and Lum is fine with that. As Dick tries to make peace, Lum insists on not wanting anything to do with his old pal. <br> A phone call from Squire finds him still under the weather, but out of the hospital. Is he calling to foreclose? If that don’t beat the bugs a fighting! abner went and paid off all the mortgages. Will the news soften Lum’s heart towards Abner a little? <br> Dick offers a listening ear, and the voice of reason, as Lum talks out his antics of expensive promises. Is he seeing the terrible things he has thought and said in a new light? He gets his big chance to make amends when Abner pops in. But has his words done too much damage to get Abner to forgive him? <br>