The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio

Summary: The Foolish Adventure Show, hosted by Tim Conley, has been listened to by millions of people around the world and helped many of them start and succeed in business. Even though the show has ended, it is still helping thousands each week to gain control of their Time, Income and Mobility. Enjoy all 4 Foolish seasons of the show.

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 FA039 - Are You A Failure? And 5 Ways Not To Be | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3010

HOW NOT TO BE A FAILURE If you’re not having the kind of success you want in your life–you can’t get your business started, you can’t seem to make enough sales or build an audience. This episode, as with all our shows, started from a conversation Izzy and Tim had about not reaching goals. First, at Foolish Adventure there is only one type of failure–quitting on your dreams for your life. As long as you keep working and improving, you’ll eventually reach your goals.  You’ll build momentum and your successes will pick up speed.  When tough times hit, and they will, you’ll have the momentum to carry you through to success. Listen to this episode if you’re not getting to your goals as quickly as you would like and learn ways to not fail. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Izzy and Tim

 FA038 - How To Make Money From Your Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3022

PODCASTING…WE FINALLY DID IT! We finally covered a topic we probably should have covered in the beginning since it is central to the success that Izzy had in escaping the corporate grind. In this episode we cover the different ways of making money from a podcast, whether audio or video, or as we call it an Online Show. Inside you’ll learn about: Advertising Affiliate Product Sales Consulting Product Sales And Brand Building. This is one of our longest we’ve done, but strangely one with the fewest tangents.  Go figure. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure, Tim and Izzy

 FA037 - Grow Your Internet Business By Extending Your Reach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2490

Izzy and Tim dive into a topic that increases your traffic, revenue and authority. This episode is all about Extending Your Reach. We all have a sphere of influence even if we are just getting started. By doing what we cover in the show, you can greatly expand your sphere of influence. With more influence comes more opportunity and more opportunity contains more revenue. Or said another way, increasing the number & size of your streams of influence brings more streams of income. In the episode, we talk about how to: Get into different markets  Use networking, public speaking and other “Real Life” interactions Use affiliates to increase your revenue & influence and much more…

 FA036 - How To Be Great Content | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2729

CREATING VALUABLE CONTENT, DIFFERENTIATION AND A PERSONA In this episode, our wayward hosts cover the world of content and how a creator like you can use it to build a loyal audience (your people) out of a larger market. You’ll learn: what makes content valuable,  how to create content your audience likes, but you still find enjoyable (content creating as a form of art), creating authority content even when you’re not a known expert. Tim accidentally coins a new word – creageous: creative courage. Where to find ideas on creating audience attracting content. And tons more. We cover a lot in this action content-packed episode.  You may need to listen to it a couple of times to get everything you can out of it.  

 FA035 - Stephen King and A Content Creator Walk Into A Bar: An Analysis Paralysis Parable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2389

IZZY VS TIM We explore our past successes, failures and experiences and how that makes our show different in the “make money online” industry.  All of this leads up to the point of today’s show, which is Analysis Paralysis and how to overcome it. Not going to say much more.  Listen to the show and find out what we mean.

 FA034 - How To REALLY Get Things Done | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2347

OVERCOMING RESISTANCE TO GETTING THINGS DONE Sparked by an email from a listener, Izzy and Tim dive into overcoming the internal resistance many feel when trying to start and continue a project. Sometimes starting a business is like trying to get in shape. Getting to the gym the first time may be a struggle and may take coaxing yourself for several months before you go. Then each day you need to get yourself to take another action towards your improving your health. A business is built much the same way. Sometimes you don’t want to work on your business especially after a long day at work, but staying focused on that future goal of one day being the captain of your own destiny can get you through. Listen in to get advice and encouragement on really getting things done.

 FA033 - Content Creators Unite! A Foolish Manifesto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2606

THE NEW, NEW MEDIA MODEL FOR CONTENT CREATORS UNITING PODCASTERS, BLOGGERS AND VIDEO PRODUCERS The business model which Izzy and I have been promoting is customer-support instead of ad-supported. Too many content creators – whether using blogging, podcasting or livestreaming – rely on ad revenue. When an internet show, say on Youtube, is a huge success and getting hundreds of thousands of views, then the ad revenue can be lucrative. But most never hit huge numbers. With our model you don’t need large numbers to be successful. This show is about the direction of Foolish Adventure and how we intend to help Content Creators.  

 FA032 - Your Internet Business Education: When To Invest In Training | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2701

In this episode our stalwart co-hosts do the expected–they deviated from their new format. Okay…here’s what happened. We got a voicemail for our Mailbag segment from Patricia asking about buying Internet Marketing courses and how some of them sound too good to be true.  We started talking about why most $1000 and up courses can be very valuable to people who have been running an online business for awhile, but usually leave too many unanswered questions for the beginner since the “guru” selling the course doesn’t allow access to him or herself. What started as the Mailbag segment turned into our entire Main segment since we really felt this was an important topic to cover extensively (meaning we went on a tangent or two). We also gave a tiny preview of what we have up our sleeves to ‘celebrate’ our birthdays at the end of January.  

 FA031 - The Power of TOT: Testing, Optimization & Tracking In Your Internet Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2387

Mail Segment:  HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CONTENT EVEN WHEN IT IS PASSWORD PROTECTED I mention First Click Free in this segment (I mistakenly called it First Look).  For more info, here is Google’s First Click Free page. Discussion Topic:  HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY, INCREASE VISITOR & CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT AND BOOST CONVERSIONS BY TESTING, OPTIMIZING & TRACKING Testing & tracking are crucial to your success in any business.  There is a lot of power in knowing what is really happening in your business as opposed to what you feel or think is happening.  The only way you’ll know is to learn how to test, optimize and track.  We recommend using Google Website Optimizer, Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools as your starting toolkit.  You may end up moving over to other services, but these are a great place to start.

 FA030 - Buying Websites To Build Your Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2853

We have created a new format for our regular episodes.  We’ve added a Mail segment, which we answer questions or talk about a topic brought up in our voicemail line, email or in comments both on the site and on Facebook.  Also we added Picks of the Week where we each name something we like and tell you why it is useful, cool or whatever. In today’s episode, we talk about growth through acquisition. There are many reasons to buy an existing website such as: instant access to targeted traffic, increasing your search rankings, diversifying your income and/or products and entering new markets. You might just be a purchase away from achieving your business goals.  Listen in to find out how.  

 FA029.5 - Smart Passive Income From Your Internet Business: Pat Flynn Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2733

Turn Your Niche Site Into Passive Income Pat Flynn became an Internet entrepreneur after being laid off from his architecture job, but thankfully he had been building an audience that was interested in passing an architecture certification exam. In this interview, you’ll hear how Pat turned his study notes into a full-time income and then how he has grown into several other online businesses.  He talks about his niche sites, affiliate marketing and building iPhone apps.  This is an interview you don’t want to miss. Check out his website and his podcast (Izzy and I enjoy both) over at The Smart Passive Income Blog. Topics covered: How to pick a niche with keyword research How to create a niche website Building iPhone apps and most importantly, creating passive income from an online business Enjoy your Foolish Adventure...

 FA029 - How To Use Social Proof In Your Internet Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2729

Where’s Your Proof? One of the most powerful tools of marketing is social proof.  It can also be misused–so be cool with it. In this episode, we talk about what social proof is, how to get it and what to do with it.  We cover customer testimonials, of course, but also go into a few forms of social proof you may not have thought to use. Below is the video we discuss in the show.  You can watch it before or after listening to the show. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure!

 FA028 - Manifesto Marketing: The Power of Declaring Your Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1555

Online Marketing Has A New Tool: The Manifesto man · i · fes · to: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or view of its issuer (Merriam-Webster) In this episode, Izzy and Tim discuss the recent rise in creating a manifesto to drive traffic to your site and increase audience engagement. This is a powerful new tool in Internet marketing, but also a true way to show your authenticity.

 FA027 - From Hobby To Industry Content Site: Mark Robertson of ReelSEO Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2554

In this interview episode, Izzy and Tim interview Mark Robertson of  Mark was working in search engine optimization, but decided to learn about the emerging video SEO industry.  He took his blog from a personal interest to an industry-leading content site in just 2 years. You will definitely learn a lot about creating and growing in your niche and get some tips to optimize your site and videos. A couple things mentioned in the interview: TubeMogul: Distribute videos to multiple video hosting sites. Yoast: A leader in Search Engine Optimization and WordPress plugins This one is a great interview though we had skype audio difficulties. Enjoy your Foolish Adventure!  

 FA026 - Nuts and Bolts of Making a Digital Information Product Pt 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2869

Video, Audio, Webinars, Teleseminars and More! In this episode, we continue our conversation about creating your digital info product.  We covered making an ebook in the last episode, but this one we wanted to talk about using different media for creation.  Also, we talk about getting paid before and after the creation of your product. Also inside we mention some software we use to make these products.  Check them out below. GoToWebinar – great tool for teaching how to do something on the computer.  Preferred method when you need to show people instead of just tell them. Screen Capture Software Camtasia – both for PC and Mac; record what is on your computer screen with voice narration Screenflow – similar to camtasia, but only for Mac Jing – Up to 5 minute screen capture videos. No editing tools, but awesome for quick how-to videos. Depending on the questions we receive, we might record a part 3 to this series.  We think there is a lot more to say on the topic and we want to know what you think we should cover. Enjoy the show!  


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