FA032 - Your Internet Business Education: When To Invest In Training

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>In this episode our stalwart co-hosts do the expected–they deviated from their new format.</p> <p>Okay…here’s what happened.</p> <p>We got a voicemail for our <strong>Mailbag segment</strong> from Patricia asking about buying Internet Marketing courses and how some of them sound too good to be true.  We started talking about why most $1000 and up courses can be very valuable to people who have been running an online business for awhile, but usually leave too many unanswered questions for the beginner since the “guru” selling the course doesn’t allow access to him or herself.</p> <p>What started as the Mailbag segment turned into our entire <strong>Main segment</strong> since we really felt this was an important topic to cover extensively (meaning we went on a tangent or two).</p> <p>We also gave a tiny preview of what we have up our sleeves to ‘celebrate’ our birthdays at the end of January.</p> <p> </p>