FA031 - The Power of TOT: Testing, Optimization & Tracking In Your Internet Business

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p><strong>Mail Segment: </strong></p> <h3>HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CONTENT EVEN WHEN IT IS PASSWORD PROTECTED</h3> <p>I mention First Click Free in this segment (I mistakenly called it First Look).  For more info, here is Google’s <a href="http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answer=74536" target="_blank">First Click Free</a> page.</p> <p><strong>Discussion Topic: </strong></p> <h3>HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY, INCREASE VISITOR &amp; CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT AND BOOST CONVERSIONS BY TESTING, OPTIMIZING &amp; TRACKING</h3> <p>Testing &amp; tracking are crucial to your success in any business.  There is a lot of power in knowing what is really happening in your business as opposed to what you feel or think is happening.  The only way you’ll know is to learn how to test, optimize and track.  We recommend using Google Website Optimizer, Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools as your starting toolkit.  You may end up moving over to other services, but these are a great place to start.</p>