FA029.5 - Smart Passive Income From Your Internet Business: Pat Flynn Interview

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: <p>Turn Your Niche Site Into Passive Income</p> <p>Pat Flynn became an Internet entrepreneur after being laid off from his architecture job, but thankfully he had been building an audience that was interested in passing an architecture certification exam.</p> <p>In this interview, you’ll hear how Pat turned his study notes into a full-time income and then how he has grown into several other online businesses.  He talks about his niche sites, affiliate marketing and building iPhone apps.  This is an interview you don’t want to miss.</p> <p>Check out his website and his podcast (Izzy and I enjoy both) over at The Smart Passive Income Blog.</p> <p>Topics covered:</p> <ul> <li>How to pick a niche with keyword research</li> <li>How to create a niche website</li> <li>Building iPhone apps</li> <li>and most importantly, creating passive income from an online business</li> </ul> <p>Enjoy your Foolish Adventure...</p>